5. Abraham Lincoln. Reasons: Didn't start war to free slaves, but to take save the Union. Encouraged the Civil War with use of Tariffs.
4. George W. Bush. Reason: War. NSA Warrentless Surveillance.
3. Ronald Reagan. Reasons: War, whether it be overseas, on drugs, or on guns. High spending.
2. Obama. Reasons: Worst Economic Recovery. More journalists prosecuted and punished than every other administration before him combined. Debt.
1. FDR. Reasons: Appoint KKK member to Supreme Court (although he said he didn't associate with them, Hugo Black still espoused similar views). Japanese Internment Camps. Forced everybody to give their Gold and Silver to the government. Burned crops during Great Depression. Despite attack Hoover for running up the debt and deficit, FDR, within 100 days, had piled up a deficit larger than Hoover had produced in two years. Spent more than all U.S. presidents before him combined. Under the National Recovery Administration, Roosevelt tried to bring all major industries together into cartels. By '38, there were more people unemployed than when FDR was elected six years earlier.
P.S. I won't make many replies on this if at all. This is a very subjective order. I am a anarcho-capitalist. I don't know much about presidents other than what would make headline news or anarcho-capitalist, libertarian, conservative news outlets or social media pages would post.
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