Are babies atheists?

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Mutorc S'yriah's picture
Sammy Shazaam
nog642's picture
Babies are dumb, and probably
algebe's picture
I was a theist when I was a
Randomhero1982's picture
Would apatheism better suit?
Sheldon's picture
Cognostic's picture
According to the Church and
Sheldon's picture
I can't disagree but a baby
Sheldon's picture
Does it believe in a deity or
David Killens's picture
First off, I know of no way
ZeffD's picture
Atheism (like secularism) is
Sheldon's picture
"We don't have a word for
fishy1's picture
Yep ! They sure are ! Those
Randomhero1982's picture
Jelly babies believe in the
algebe's picture
Babies are full of religion.
LogicFTW's picture
Sheldon's picture
Now that made me larf,
fishy1's picture
Ha ! :) lol Now that was
LogicFTW's picture
@orignal 5 years old post.
Cognostic's picture
CyberLN's picture
I asked my brand new
Tin-Man's picture
mykcob4's picture
This thread is 5 years old.
mickron88's picture
"This thread is 5 years old."
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "yeah and that 5 year old
MCDennis's picture
of course babies are atheists
mykcob4's picture
Where the hell have you been
scolding_hottie's picture
Arent babies born with no
mykcob4's picture
@Scoldin whoever
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
LogicFTW's picture
What is with the capitalized


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