Atheism creates a moral vacuum which only a religion can fill.

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Valiya's picture
Can you tell me how you can
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You took just 1 example where
Valiya's picture
You said: ""there's really no
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
pff why are you insisting on
Valiya's picture
Fine. I don't wish to push
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yes there are some subjective
Valiya's picture
When I send my replies, I
Valiya's picture
Here is my response to Cyber
CyberLN's picture
In the end, does the source
Valiya's picture
You are right, the source
CyberLN's picture
Of course we will disagree on
Valiya's picture
Hi Cyber LN. Thanks for the
CyberLN's picture
"My contention is that your
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Valiya you have to understand
Valiya's picture
Thanks for you reply Travis.
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
My basis for morality stems
Valiya's picture
Once again thanks Travis for
CyberLN's picture
Valiya, when I read the body
Zaphod's picture
I checked it, Cyber is right.
CyberLN's picture
The title of your OP contends
Valiya's picture
That's a good point Cyber.
CyberLN's picture
Agreed on the unfolding of
Valiya's picture
Cyber, good points you have
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Valiya, you bring up some
Lmale's picture
Its really quite simple i
Valiya's picture
You said: “i don’t want to be
Lmale's picture
Damn my comment i spent 15
Valiya's picture
Valiya's picture
Hi Travis. Let me first of
CyberLN's picture
Valiya, you said above that


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