As an atheist I strongly believe your god is not real, as well as all other gods we humans have made up over the ages. I am so confident I am right that I am willing to risk what billions of other people alive today and in the past would tell me that I risk and perhaps more importantly what some of my family, friends, neighbors, workmate and other peers that I know would say I risk:
-that I will surely miss out on some sort of version of heaven or afterlife,
-that I will likely go to hell and suffer for an eternity, (depends on the particular religion faction,)
-miss out on judgement day, (and all days/types of reckoning like it, if a particular faith group has it)
-be labeled a demon or infidel, fool, controlled by the devil, etc.
-that I risk what ever particular god's wrath soon, or in the future in this life. (Again depends on particular faith.)
I also happily challenge that if there is any real "god" out there that people worship, to immediately smite me down or punish me for challenging them, or you know, when they can get around to it. Been saying that for over a decade now, still waiting I have already lived longer challenging god's existence then billions of religious believers total life spans. So far my life, (at least in my opinion,) has been great, I have had a few minor mostly expected losses or moments of sadness, but overall I certainly do not feel like I been punished in any way so far, I feel my life has been far better than 99+ percent of all people alive today or have lived. I have a good life currently, I risk all that if it turns out your god is real. I am so confident that your god is not real, I feel I have risked nothing.
Now, on the theist side:
Nearly all the major religions state their their god is all powerful all knowing has a plan for each and every person, and some sort of afterlife reward/lack of punishment if you manage to follow their confusing rule set that is in their books and talked about by the particular religion leaders or in certain copied over books. As long as you follow this rule set, which always include believing in said god, you are set. You did your "freewill" job. Even better most major religions has some sort of sin forgiveness system if you screwed up on the rules. If theist truly believed in their all powerful all knowing gods that has a plan for them, and that they are in this god's good graces, they should have nothing to fear.
So, why don't theist act like they have no fear or doubt? Atheist have no fear or doubts about the lack of your god, why do theist have fears and doubts that their all powerful, all knowing, all good god, that has a plan for them, might somehow fail them? Why would a theist fear anything that is out of their control, because surely their god is in control by the theist very definition of their god. Even if they did not do everything just "right" for god, their god is forgiving, you can be forgiven for any sins, (mistakes,) you have made. As long as your actions are within your gods "rules" to be in his good graces this all powerful all knowing god is there, his plan for you is ultimately a good one. Why do theist fear cancer? Fear the loss of loved ones or their own lives? I feel they are not so confident on at least one aspect of their god. I get that many of these religions rules are vague, contradictory, and confusing, but your god is supposedly a loving god. Yes, these vague rules typically say you need to be humble, but you are also allowed to be forgiven. God is all knowing, he knows that you will in the future be absolved for your sins, if you are going to do so, in his grand plan. Do you not trust in god's grand plan? It is in his "book" and your religion leaders will also tell you so.
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