Beach House For Sale!!

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Up To My Neck's picture
Beach House For Sale!!

I have a beach house for sale! It’s on the most beautiful stretch of shore you have ever seen! The house is a 3000 sq ft mansion with a pool, guest house, and all modern amenities. The cost is $4 million, which you must pay without seeing or visiting the house. I have a real estate add, so you shouldn’t have any doubt about what I say! What’s that? You don’t believe me? But you are wearing a cross, and asking about the nearest church? Fuck, I figured if you would buy that shit, you would buy anything!

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xenoview's picture
algebe's picture
@Pirate Jack:
Up To My Neck's picture
May I see them first? I
algebe's picture
@Pirate Jack: May I see them
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ PJ & Algebe


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David Killens's picture
Buy my sub-bridge house for


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Cognostic's picture
@ALL : I've got some magic
Tin-Man's picture
@PJ Re: Beach house
MelindaCummings's picture
Hello, I am interested in
anthonydrowow's picture
I'm not ready to buy real
herringburdensome's picture
I'm not quite ready to buy a
Nammarok's picture
Kinda interesting thing i
Bob44's picture
We recently bought a house
Kreston's picture
I recently bought a house in
demik's picture
I perfectly understand your
victorpatrick's picture
You there, this is really
Bob44's picture
I would buy my own house.
MAbubakar's picture
The person is advertising a
MAbubakar's picture
The person's frustration
Bob44's picture
And in addition to my post, I
Marys's picture
Offering a huge selection of
KevinRose's picture
This sarcasm-filled story is

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