Catholic Church launches Netflix alternative in Poland...

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watchman's picture
Catholic Church launches Netflix alternative in Poland...

Catholic Church launches Netflix alternative in Poland...….

"The Catholic Church in Poland has launched a new streaming service offering all Christian content, as an alternative to Netflix.
The platform, named Katoflix will offer a space to “lead people to God” through the “power of film”, according to its website."

"The platform operates under the Latin slogan, “Vide Opera Dei”, which means “See the Works of God” in Latin, and has the same abbreviation as video on demand (VOD)."

Now its just a guess on my part …… but I'm betting that they won't be streaming "The Life of Brian" ……… or "Philomena" for that matter ….

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dogalmighty's picture
Motherflocker. Those devious

Motherflocker. Those devious bustrages. Gotta keep reinforcing that delusion, don't they. I don't suppose its a free channel, is it? That was rhetorical.

Tin-Man's picture
I'm gonna go out on a limb

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess "Bruce Almighty" won't be available either? Hmmmm... I suppose that also means one of my favorite Christmas movies ("Die Hard") will also be a no-go. Well, yippie ki yay, mothe-.....

David Killens's picture
It's true, I saw it in a

It's true, I saw it in a movie .........

Passion of the Christ in Polish subtitles.

Mikhael's picture
Back in the day I use to

Back in the day I use to spend a lot of time on a blog written by a deacon that rated movies on wether or not they were morally offensive or sinful to watch

Tin-Man's picture
@Mikhael Re: Deacon rating

@Mikhael Re: Deacon rating movies

Guess he was just "taking one for the team" having to watch all those filthy sinful movies in order to rate them. Hmmm... Makes me wonder... How many times did he have to watch "Butt Pirates of the Caribbean" to give it an accurate rating? Poor bastard.

Lion IRC's picture
Netflix (The Church of Woke)

Netflix (The Church of Woke) is very preachy.

Tin-Man's picture
I still miss the good ol'

I still miss the good ol' days of sneaking up late at night to catch one of the "forbidden" adult movies on the Cinemax (aka: Skinamax) and/or HBO (Horny Beat-Off) channels. Kids today will never know the anxiety or stress of hoping their mom does not stir from her slumber to go investigte why the television is on so late on a school night... lol...

boomer47's picture


Not surprised.

The Vatican thinks froot loop Mel Gibson is a great catholic. It also endorsed that piece of sadistic pornography,'The Passion Of The' Christ'

When I was a gossoon, and still in thrall to the church ,there was an official list of banned books. We also had a free weekly newspaper 'The Southern Cross'. This publication was just full of splendid suggestions for Catholics. The suggestions included which films were considered suitable for Catholics.

I am not suggesting for a second that the church has improved in any significant way. I still want to see priests being made to get real jobs .and the church start paying taxes, like any other business. Also the end of government subsidies to all private schools. Because they charge fees, they should be self supporting, imo.

The poshest, most exclusive and most expensive private school in my state is St Peters, which is owned and managed by the Anglican Church . The Anglican Church is Australia's official state religion. Has been since Henry V111. The British monarch is still the official head of the Anglican church

Nyarlathotep's picture
Mikhael - Back in the day I

Mikhael - Back in the day I use to spend a lot of time on a blog written by a deacon that rated movies on wether or not they were morally offensive or sinful to watch

When I was younger; the Christians were telling my friends that if you watch The Last Temptation of Christ that you WILL go to hell, that redemption is no longer an option; that it was an unforgivable sin.

boomer47's picture


"When I was younger; the Christians were telling my friends that if you watch The Last Temptation of Christ that you WILL go to hell, that redemption is no longer an option; that it was an unforgivable sin."

Really? Wow, bloody protestants always getting things wrong. (I wish we had emoticons)

I seem to remember a born againie young woman I once knew, telling me with great earnestness, that to deny the holy spirit was an unforgivable sin. . Have you ever noticed just how earnest are those who proselytise? Just makes me want to smack 'em around the left ear with a magotty possum.

From time-to-time the catholic church offered a glimmer of hope. I was taught that the gravest sin was despair, because to despair is to deny god. BUT that there are no unforgivable sins. Made sense to me, seeing as my god was one of infinite love, compassion and forgiveness .

It wasn't until many years later that I connected some dots and asked how such a god could possibly allow the existence of suffering and of evil ?

As far as I'm aware, it's only the Hindus and Buddhists who have made a serious attempt at addressing the problems of evil and suffering. Hindus invented karma and reincarnation. Buddhist borrowed them.


Picture ,if you will; a parlor, over decorated in high Victorian clutter. There is an elderly woman all, high necked and corset, quietly knitting. There is an elderly man, wearing a maroon quilted smoking jacket, with matching fez. He is smoking a meerschaum pipe.

Quoth she quietly, through gritted teeth : "Albert, If you once more explain what you would have said to Oscar Wilde at the time had you thought of it, I shall scream"

Well, I thought it was funny at the time I first read it.

AndreBoarskij's picture
It is unlikely that you will

It is unlikely that you will watch Netflix on a regular basis. Sooner or later you will get tired of it and want to somehow diversify your viewing of films and TV series. To do this, I recommend connecting bell aliant customer service so that your TV has modern telecommunications software

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