A challenge to our resident theists....

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Sir Random's picture
A challenge to our resident theists....

I challenge the theists on this site to come up with a (sensible) explanation/reasoning of the following:

1. The Earth is not flat(the bible suggests this at points)

2. The Earth is not 6,000 - 10,000 years old

3. The Earth was not formed in 6 24 hour periods

4. The Exodus has no archeological or historical evidence outside the bible

5. The bible condones genocide

6. Deontological codes are inherently imperfect and unjust systems of ethics

7. Many prophecies of the bible failed to come to fruition

8. The bible contradicts itself on certain doctrines on numerous occasions

9. The miracles in the bible are not possible

10. Christian religions have historically been extremely violent and sects of particular Christians still kill one another as they have done for centuries. This is counter to the instructions contained within the Pentateuch

11. There is no consensus on "Christian truth", as evidenced by the huge number of denominations who assert their interpretations of the bible as an exclusivist truth

12. A God who is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent by definition foresaw and willingly chose any and all paradigms which exist, meaning that prohibitions against intrinstic natural phenomena like homosexuality or sexual promiscuity are diametrically oppositional to the paradigms which God himself chose. God is a self-contradictory tyrant in that regard.

13. If God is omnipotent yet suffering exists, God is not omnibenevolent. If God is omnibenevolent yet suffering exists, God is not omnipotent. If God is not omnibenevolent then he is malevolent (why worship him?) and if God is not omnipotent, then he is in some or many ways impotent (again, why worship him?)

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Seenyab4's picture
Well this is gonna be a fun
Sir Random's picture
In the words of Disturbed:
ætherborn98's picture
(Entering theological mode)
mykcob4's picture
@Hawk Flint
ætherborn98's picture
Not justifications, reasons.
algebe's picture
"This "natural" homosexuality
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Hawk Flint
ætherborn98's picture
"Take what YOU decided a "day
Sir Random's picture
"Maybe because they realized

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