Debate with me

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Romman_khan's picture
Debate with me

Anyone has courage to debate with me on anything regarding Islam?

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Sapporo's picture
I don't think there's much to

I don't think there's much to say other than something that promotes torture is always immoral.

Sheldon's picture
I challenge you to a debate

I challenge you to show the courage to a debate on the juvenile Jackson's climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa jacksoni), also known as the "golden wonder"

Go on, go on I dare you, have you got the courage?

Tin-Man's picture
I think a debate about

I think a debate about ginormous universe-creating Cosmic Bunnies would be more pleasant. No torture or killing or sacrifices involved,, and they are so cute and cuddly.

Peurii's picture

Blasphemous heretic! Every sane person knows the world was created by The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Why else would the Earth be flat, hmm? HMM? Even the Invisible Pink Unicorn knows that.

Tin-Man's picture


Calm down... Just caaaalm doooown.... Deeeep breath.... There ya go.... Relaaaaax.....

Nobody is saying the Flying Spaghetti Monster didn't create the world. I've always had great respect for the mighty FSM. I just said the Cosmic Bunnies created universes. That would include the FSM, who then set about creating all the worlds therein. See? Easy. No harm, no foul. Oh, and the Invisible Pink Unicorn is a very wise creature.

Peurii's picture

Oh I see, I might have been a bit hasty there. I now see that you have indeed been touched by His noodly appendige. I haven't heard about these bunnies before. I have to consult my nearest pastafarian pirate for more info.

arakish's picture
And here is the fleas that

And here is the fleas that reside on the Ginormous Cosmic Bunnies.

See, even the fleas play marbles with the universes the Bunnies create.

And all Hail the Great Noodly for creating our world.


NewSkeptic's picture
The invisible pink unicorn

The invisible pink unicorn was, sort of by definition, transparent. Therefore, he/she/zhe wasn't pink until he/she/zhe swallowed enormous amounts of red dye. Therefore again, knowing what we know about red dye, should he/she/zhe be considered to be "a very wise creature". Given that and the shit state of the universe, I believe the Invisible Pink Unicorn is one major fuck up.

As an aside, If you took all that red dye, what do you think it would do to your metals. I think you might have a fate like the WWOTW, melting away to nothingness.

Nothing good ever comes from the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

Peurii's picture

But if you cannot see that the Goddess is not pink, given that she is invisible, you cannot prove that she is not pink. Therefore by definition it is true that the Invisible Pink Unicorn is both pink and invisible at the same time.

Check mate, science, check mate!

NewSkeptic's picture


I did not say that the Invisible Pink Unicorn isn't both pink and invisible at the same time. I said he/she/zhe took red dye to get that way, I was there. Prove that I wasn't.

So your checkmate is squashed by my Na Na Na Na Na.

Peurii's picture

Can you think of the most perfectly pink being? Can you think of the most perfectly invisible being? Can you think of the most perfect unicorn? Of course you can. Can you think of the most perfectly pink invisible unicorn? Yes! Because you can imagine it, it would be more perfect if it existed. Therefore the Invisible Pink Unicorn exists and is in essence pink, invisible, unicorn and existing!

Anselm of Canterbury to the rescue!

NewSkeptic's picture
@ Peurii

@ Peurii

I admit, it's hard to argue with (or even decifer) il-logic like that. But since I am, and I can imagine, and like someone says, I can experience, therefore the Invisible Pink Unicorn exists and is a perfect fuck up. If I'm wrong have him/her/zher strike me dead in the next five seconds. I'll wait. 5 4 3 2 1 0. Nope, still here. Absolute Proof that the Invisible Pink Unicorn exists and is a perfect fuck up. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Peurii's picture

No one can resist the power of the ontological argument! Ahaa, but if it is a fuck up, and fucking up is not perfect, it indeed cannot be the perfect Invisible Pink Unicorn, of which I'm talking about. I think you have seen an imposter unicorn. It's the only logical conclusion.

Tin-Man's picture
@NewSkeptic Re: IPU

@NewSkeptic Re: IPU

Ahhhh.... I can totally see your logically delusioned thinking there concerning the red dye. You are indeed gifted, as too many people sadly fail to consider the dire consequences of ingesting such large quantities of red dye. As a result, it is naturally easy for one to conclude the holy IPU is a fuck-up, thereby logically rendering her/his/its perfection null and void. However, young apprentice, you have overlooked and/or failed to consider the fact that the divine IPU is actually a (dare I say, THE) PERFECT fuck-up. Of course, as you can see, this would obviously allow our Blessed Invisibleness of Pink to maintain her/his/its divine perfection. Can I get an "Amen!", brothers and sisters?

NewSkeptic's picture


Amen! and I'll throw in a Hallelujah! too. From one Perfect Fuck-up to another.

Tin-Man's picture
@NewSkeptic Re: Red dye and

@NewSkeptic Re: Red dye and WWOTW

An embarrassing little personal revelation here concerning an incident I had with red dye. Typical college party once. Strawboy, Leo, and a few of those damned dirty winged primates all there and we were getting wasted, of course. Then Strawboy (that asshole) thought it would be a great idea if I drank a bottle of red dye. (This is before he ever got his brain, by the way.) Anyway, I was so blitzed I was like, "Sure! Fuck it! What could possibly go wrong?" So I downed the whole bottle, and then promptly passed out. Woke up on the front lawn the next AFTERNOON, and was totally pink from head to toe. What's worse, some wise-ass had used a black Sharpie and written "TaB" across my chest and back in big bold letters. Took over a week for that shit to wear off.

Oh, and as for the WWOTW melting, here is a little behind-the-scenes trivia most folks don't know. It was suppose to be water in that bucket, but some joker had put acid in it without anybody knowing. So when the green hag got doused with it, she was REALLY melting. So everybody's reactions of shock were REAL. We did have a good laugh afterwards, of course. And it did save the special effects crew a good bit of money. Ahhh... Good times, good times... Oh, and the whole, "What a world," line was totally ad libbed, but it was so good the director kept it in. That ol' green bitch was a true professional.

NewSkeptic's picture
Just sounds like good method

Just sounds like good method acting to me.

NewSkeptic's picture
Here's a good debate topic,

Here's a good debate topic, an oldy but a goody:

The Muhammad of the Koran was a sadistic pedophile. True or False?

Sheldon's picture
"The Muhammad of the Koran

"The Muhammad of the Koran was a sadistic pedophile. True or False?"

Good choice start them with an easy one, you know how befuddled questions can make theists.

True, what do I win?

NewSkeptic's picture


"True, what do I win?"

What else, 72 virgins in paradise. I'm not sure what you'll do the second day.

Peurii's picture
I heard that it could also be

I heard that it could also be 72 raisins. Think of all those disappointed horny incel terroists, when Peter gives them on the gates of Hades their shriveled raisins.
"Thank you. Please do kill again."

Sheldon's picture
It's involved cream for

It's involved cream for chafing probably. Though any adult in the 21st century who believes such hokum deserves all the chafing they get.

Sky Pilot's picture


"The Muhammad of the Koran was a sadistic pedophile. True or False?"

Mohammed of the Koran is modeled somewhat after Kind David of the Bible. They were both sadistic bastards. And according to the Jewish Babylonian Talmud David knocked up Bathsheba when she was 6 years old. He locked his wives up in a dungeon. His hobby was cutting off foreskins.

BTW, the age of consent was 7 in America in 1895. During slavery times in America there was no minimum age. Were any of the slaver Presidents pedophiles?

LogicFTW's picture
@Romman khan:

@Romman khan:

"Anyone has courage to debate with me on anything regarding Islam?"

Pretty easy to have the courage to debate on an anonymous forum.

I do not know the inner workings and details of Islam as much as I do the christianity/jesus christ based religions/god ideas so I am hesitant to go into specifics:

I can say, the same basic truth that applies to all man made god ideas also applies to the Islam and/or your version of your god idea. In that after the study of the available evidence, that the consensus of evidence collected is overwhelmingly in favor of that man created the god idea, where as the evidence that a(any) god created man and man should worship is near nil to non existent.

And like everything else in life, when the evidence is overwhelming for one side compared to the other, the correct decision that is most beneficial to the person that collects this real world, testable, repeatable evidence, is the one that the evidence strongly supports. And that of course is: there is no god, of any kind. (As god is commonly defined.)

arakish's picture
Romman khan: Debate with me:

Romman khan: Debate with me: Anyone has courage to debate with me on anything regarding Islam?

How's this for the first shot across your bow?

The Qu'ran was written by a murdering, thieving, warmongering camel-herder that was also a child molester.


Sky Pilot's picture


A committee wrote the Koran. And then the English probably formatted it into numbered chapters and verses.

Cognostic's picture
What's to debate? Islam is

What's to debate? Islam is another bullshit religion among bullshit religions with no more evidence for its foundational beliefs than any other bullshit religion. Where do you see a debate taking place?

Cognostic's picture
I am Sam.

I am Sam.
I do not like the Muslim scam.
I do not like it, Sam I am.
I do not like the Muslim scam.

I would not like it here or there.
I would not like it anywhere.
I do not like the Muslim scam
I do not like it, Sam I am.

Would you like it in a house?
Would you like it with a mouse?

I do not like it in a house.
I do not like it with a mouse.
I do not like it here or there.
I don't like Islam anywhere.

I do not like the Muslim scam.
I do not like it, Sam I am.

But would you like it in a box?
Would you like it with a fox?

Not in a box
Not with a fox
Not in a house
Not with a mouse
I would not like it here or there
I would not like it anywhere
I do not like the Muslim scam.
I don't like Islam. Sam I am.

Would you? Could you? In a car?
Try it! Try it! Let's not spar.

I would not, could not in a car.
I'd rather choke on a big cigar.

You may like it, you will see...
You may like it in a tree.

I would not, could not in a tree
Nor in a car, now let me be.
I don't like Islam in a box
I don't like Islam with a fox.
I do not like it in a house
I do not like it with a mouse
I do not like it anywhere
I do not like it here or there
I do not like your Muslim scam
I do not like it! Sam I am.

Would you could you on a train?

Is it something with your brain?
I don't like Islam on a train.
Muhammad is a piece of shit!

Terminal Dogma's picture
I am God prove me wrong.

I am God prove me wrong.

Cognostic's picture
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .... FRAUD! You didn't ask for money!


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