Debunking evolution

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Jam Jam's picture
Ok. This debunks what you
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jam Jam - the chance one
xenoview's picture
Did a google search for
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right; that is exactly the
Nyarlathotep's picture
xenoview - Did a google
algebe's picture
Xenoview: "found this link
Truett's picture
The link you've just sent is
chimp3's picture
@jamjam : Hitler was a
Sky Pilot's picture
Do you think animals and
Sky Pilot's picture
If Jesus died for our sins
algebe's picture
@Jam Jam: "you might say
curtisabass's picture
Hitler was a nominal
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I think I might actually
algebe's picture
@Jam Jam "how do you tell
Jam Jam's picture
Simple question where did
algebe's picture
You're "simple question"
Alembé's picture
Hi Jam Jam,
xenoview's picture
Let me start by saying an
MCDennis's picture
We get our morals from
Question_everything's picture
Am I alone in thinking this
algebe's picture
@Audrey: "Am I alone in
Kataclismic's picture
Truett's picture
Damn it. I should've pulled
mykcob4's picture
Jam Jam, No one has been
Nyarlathotep's picture
And while it is probably long
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jam Jam - if theres no
xenoview's picture
Found this link about sea
mykcob4's picture
Jam Jam is a troll!
algebe's picture
@Mykcob4: "Jam Jam is a troll
Stu. K.'s picture
Regarding the morals thing,


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