This OP will be divided into few parts (prolly 3-4) because, for some very funny reasons (best known to me), i'm using a phone with really limited typing space. So ATM, pls bear with me. Here goes,
If theists take some certain kind of positions, atheists would cry fowl. After an encounter with some atheists on this forum, i've realized a lot of them seem be asserting the "no one knows" position of agnostics and probably want everyone to take the same stance with them. A true agnostic won't side either theists nor atheists for they both take a gnostic position.
Unfortunately, agnostics come here feigning atheism and use science as a bases to knock down theism. That aside, it is logically possible to find the truth if one desires. The position of "I don't know" seems to be a path of easy escape for anyone who refuse to exercise the use of simple logics.
to be continued...
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