Don't Say The Pledge

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SonOh1's picture
Don't Say The Pledge

As an Atheist and a secularist, I believe that "under god" should not be in the pledge of allegiance, but I'm questioning whether to join the Don't Say The Pledge campaign because I feel like the words are harmless.

Do these words oppress people who do not believe in the Abrahamic God?

Should we wait until it is the general consensus of the nation to remove the words?

I would like to hear both sides of the argument before I join the movement and spread the message.

The summary of the campaign..

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mysticrose's picture
I'm not interested joining
ex-christian_atheist's picture
I never said the pledge
Zaphod's picture
I am assuming your form the
Mardze's picture
The state and the church have
Mythlover's picture
I simply omit the words each
ChildofGod's picture
as a Christian, i know that
Zaphod's picture
That's actually areally
ChildofGod's picture
its also true. But see why
Zaphod's picture
I will let you look up the
ChildofGod's picture
i know what those words mean,

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