Fast Topic: I need Yes/No Poll Data on a question

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whatistruth1838.146's picture
Fast Topic: I need Yes/No Poll Data on a question

Hello All, I need a honest answering from at least 10 people to settle a question on three scenarios. This will be a very fast thread. No Debate necessary I just need your first gut response.

1) If John Smith says "There is MUCH evidence for the life/death/resurrection of Jesus Christ"
Then is it safe to extrapolate with about 80%+ certainty John concludes that therefore Jesus Christ DOES exist?

2) If John Smith says "There is NO evidence for the life/death/resurrection of Jesus Christ"
Then is it safe to extrapolate with about 80%+ certainty John concludes that therefore Jesus Christ DID NOT exist?

3) ) If John Smith says "There is No evidence to support that Jane Smith is a bad person"
Then is it safe to extrapolate with about 80%+ certainty John concludes that therefore Jane Smith is a Good person?


I understand that many things could be meant by these two statements. I understand that if we asked for clarification we would know for sure for both parties. However, I'm just asking that in a normal conversation are these conclusions naturally implied by their initial statements if that is all you have to go off of?



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Sky Pilot's picture
1. yes 2. yes 3. yes
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Thanks Diotrephes. I need at
algebe's picture
If a character calling
whatistruth1838.146's picture
I'm sorry you feel that way
Nyarlathotep's picture
If you are going to ask
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Thanks for the Suggestion
Nyarlathotep's picture
I think given the logic of
mykcob4's picture
Push Poll disingenuine! You
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right, this is how you can
xenoview's picture
1) No
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Nyarlathotep, mykob4, and
mykcob4's picture
This just shows your
CyberLN's picture
WIT, as to your poll...will
Pitar's picture
My initial gut reaction is to
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Data = puzzle pieces of
LogicFTW's picture
whatistruth1838.146's picture
I am severely disappointed
mykcob4's picture
UnKnown's picture
1. "It is YOU that is being
LogicFTW's picture
I answered it simply.
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Oh sorry Logic! I posted
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
"Especially when people are
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Some studies can only be
mykcob4's picture
As if you are conducting a
whatistruth1838.146's picture
I will not F-off Mykob4.
mykcob4's picture
There is no fucking god. We
SBMontero's picture
@whatistruth1838.146: That
mbrownec's picture
@whatistruth1838.146, Sorry,
UnKnown's picture
1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Likely

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