Fast Topic: I need Yes/No Poll Data on a question

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whatistruth1838.146's picture
Fast Topic: I need Yes/No Poll Data on a question

Hello All, I need a honest answering from at least 10 people to settle a question on three scenarios. This will be a very fast thread. No Debate necessary I just need your first gut response.

1) If John Smith says "There is MUCH evidence for the life/death/resurrection of Jesus Christ"
Then is it safe to extrapolate with about 80%+ certainty John concludes that therefore Jesus Christ DOES exist?

2) If John Smith says "There is NO evidence for the life/death/resurrection of Jesus Christ"
Then is it safe to extrapolate with about 80%+ certainty John concludes that therefore Jesus Christ DID NOT exist?

3) ) If John Smith says "There is No evidence to support that Jane Smith is a bad person"
Then is it safe to extrapolate with about 80%+ certainty John concludes that therefore Jane Smith is a Good person?


I understand that many things could be meant by these two statements. I understand that if we asked for clarification we would know for sure for both parties. However, I'm just asking that in a normal conversation are these conclusions naturally implied by their initial statements if that is all you have to go off of?



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Sky Pilot's picture
1. yes 2. yes 3. yes

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes

whatistruth1838.146's picture
Thanks Diotrephes. I need at

Thanks Diotrephes. I need at least 9 more.

algebe's picture
If a character calling

If a character calling himself Whatistruth suddenly holds up a hoop, what is the probability that I'm going to jump through it?

1. 0%
2. 0%
3. 0%

whatistruth1838.146's picture
I'm sorry you feel that way

I'm sorry you feel that way Algebe. This is seriously meant to be an honest attempt to help me and another person I am in discussion grow. I could be right or wrong depending on honest data, which I'm open to, and so I tried to be pretty neutral. I asked some Christians the same question so I'd like to get people from this site's perspective.

I just need 9 more Y/N questions!

Though you think its a hoop Algebe, would you mind answering? I would greatly appreciate it.

Nyarlathotep's picture
If you are going to ask

If you are going to ask Christians (or anyone for that matter), then I suggest you make a substitution for something less politically/religious charged; otherwise you might be poisoning the well.

1 Bob says "There is MUCH evidence that Alice ate fruit loops in the past"

2 Bob says "There is NO evidence that Alice ate fruit loops in the past"

3 Bob says "There is No evidence to support that Alice is left handed"

whatistruth1838.146's picture
Thanks for the Suggestion

Thanks for the Suggestion Nyarlathotep!!!

I wanted to make sure of your suggestion because I thought about that. That's why I provided the mix of 2 religious and one non religious =] Thanks for the suggestion but I think given the logic of your suggestion I've covered it. =] And these are still honest questions whether or not they are religious. Which is why you can substitute them so easily as you did with Bob. They can be easily answered because its a straightforward question.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I think given the logic of

whatistruth1838.146 - I think given the logic of your suggestion I've covered it.

Why you would include any religious material is beyond me. Remember what I said about living in a fantasy world?

mykcob4's picture
Push Poll disingenuine! You

Push Poll disingenuine! You can't glean any real data from such a pathetic poll.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Right, this is how you can

Right, this is how you can spot a cargo cultist. They don't even try to remove bias; and can't do it even after it is pointed out to them.

xenoview's picture
1) No

1) No

Not enough data to go on.

whatistruth1838.146's picture
Nyarlathotep, mykob4, and

Nyarlathotep, mykob4, and Algebe,

If you honestly think I have evil motives, then please do not answer them. I understand you have opinions on the matter but I'm simply trying to get data. I'm using a hypothesis-test-evaluate process. This is standard procedure to glean data.

Why are you trying to derail the poll?! If it's truly meaningless and useless then I'm confused at why all three of you are so adamant at trying to derail it by pulling it into side discussion. Please simply let people answer and when it's over disagree to your hearts content with my evaluation. Because that is where the errors will really be if any. And if there are errors there on my end then honest data will highlight it and I will gladly learn from it =]

mykcob4's picture
This just shows your

This just shows your motivation. You are interested in false data for an argument. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING can be gained by such a pathetic poll. You posted it on OUR forum so it is up for discussion. You don't have "evil" intentions because there no such thing as evil. You do have disingenuine intentions, that is obvious. Am I derailing your poll, ah but if I only could. You replied to my post which tells me that you are worried about being exposed. You are a fraud Whatistruth. You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face.
You should be banned from the forum, although technically you haven't egregiously violated the rules. I actually think this poll is a solicitation which is a minor infraction. I doubt that you can learn from anything. You have a predetermined outcome for any poll any question that you have or have posed.

CyberLN's picture
WIT, as to your poll...will

WIT, as to your poll...will you be calculating a LoC and sharing that in this forum?

Pitar's picture
My initial gut reaction is to

My initial gut reaction is to distrust John and his evidence. That's my honest answer.

Otherwise, to present the logic of your inquiry to an intelligent person, and as I see it -

Quick, why is there air? Yes or No

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Data = puzzle pieces of

Data = puzzle pieces of impirical evidence to put together. It's all straight forward, So even after answering these questions with a yes or a no, that type of "data" is still left to interpretation. Data should not have to be left for interpretation. Then it's not truly data. Try again.

LogicFTW's picture


I do not know this john smith. No way I would be reasonably confident about anything he said. Those 3 questions could be any 3 questions and I would say no.

whatistruth1838.146's picture
I am severely disappointed

I am severely disappointed that such a simple yes/no question cannot be answered by people on this website. Especially when people are unaware of the reasons for the questions in the first place. I will go off of the data of the people who followed the instructions and answered honestly.

Diotrephes and xenoview.

Thanks for participating for those who did!

mykcob4's picture

WTF!!!!! What the hell do you expect? Everyone answered you honestly. It is YOU that is being dishonest. You see, atheists are completely honest. They just don't accept things on face value. They investigate. They are not prone to "BLIND FAITH."
So FUCK you. You have no right to chastise anyone that posted here about your little PUSH-FUCKING-POLL! Since you are "going off" keep fucking going and don't come back.
A 16-year-old doesn't have the right to be disappointed in the first place. What a condescending disrespectful little punk asshole!

UnKnown's picture
1. "It is YOU that is being

1. "It is YOU that is being dishonest." - How is he being dishonest?
2. "You see, atheists are completely honest." - Wrong.
3. "They just don't accept things on face value." - You'd be surprised.
4. "They investigate." - You'd be surprised.

LogicFTW's picture
I answered it simply.

I answered it simply.

I also gave my reasoning behind why. What is wrong with that? You just want yes and no answers but not any reasoning/understanding? Might as well poll a bunch of 1-3 year olds that just learned to say yes and no.

whatistruth1838.146's picture
Oh sorry Logic! I posted

Oh sorry Logic! I posted before I saw your response!

Also I can't give more data otherwise it would provide too much bias toward my position. The data provided keeps things neutral and my opening comment acknowledges that the could be more information. That was not the point. The point was given the data on a gut reaction what would your initial response be. That's all.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
"Especially when people are

"Especially when people are unaware of the reasons for the questions in the first place."

We are a community of people who question things & seek to be knowledgable about a topic before reacting to it... did you expect the reception to this topic would be any different?

whatistruth1838.146's picture
Some studies can only be

Some studies can only be conducted when biases are removed. If I had discussed why this study was conducted that would have inserted a bias. Many studies do the same thing Christian or not.

If someone asks me a straightforward question and it can not be clarified for a purpose then I'll answer it as best I can. If their reasoning for the question was faulty, I am not bound to my answer if I can prove their reasoning faulty to begin with. =]

mykcob4's picture
As if you are conducting a

As if you are conducting a study, BULLSHIT! You are conducting a push poll with a predetermined outcome. that isn't a study, let alone a valid one. Fuck off punk!

whatistruth1838.146's picture
I will not F-off Mykob4.

I will not F-off Mykob4. Jesus hasn't given up on me, and Lord willing there will always be a Christian here who will not give up on you. =] You're important to him and therefore you are important to me. Even after your insults =P though I must say they do hurt from time to time.

mykcob4's picture
There is no fucking god. We

There is no fucking god. We have christians here that are honest and don't conduct push-polls and you are not among them. There probably never was a jesus and if there was he is long dead and doesn't care about shit anymore. I hope what I have said to you makes you fucking THINK. I don't give a shit if it hurts your feelings. I am not interested in your feelings. You are completely dishonest. That is the fucking problem here. Insults be damned. If a little insults bother you, you should try being an honest atheist for awhile. We live being insulted every day by so-called god-fearing christians.
So I say again Fuck Off punk!
Your attempt to attack Nyarlathotep was about as insulting as anything I have witnessed on the forum.
Just answer their question "Why did you use "if"?" You can't answer it so you conduct a push-poll. That is fucking dishonest and should get you booted from the forum.
You're a fucking little turd.
Here's an example of a Push-Poll in case you don't know:
I ask you "Did your daddy ever catch you masturbating in the closet?"
You respond "NO!"
See the catch here is a predetermined outcome. No matter how you answer you have to admit that you masturbated in the closet!

SBMontero's picture
@whatistruth1838.146: That

@whatistruth1838.146: That reasoning doesn't make sense. Sorry to tell you, but god doesn't exist and Jesus never existed. Ah, and here who insults the intelligence of the rest are you, you take us for asshole. If you insult anyone don't complain if he/she insults you, although calling you charlatan is pointing out the obvious, not insulting.

Gandalf bless you ¬¬)-~

mbrownec's picture
@whatistruth1838.146, Sorry,

@whatistruth1838.146, Sorry, I'm not going to bite. Your questions are designed to produce a desired answer.The questions are manipulative by design.

UnKnown's picture
1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Likely

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Likely

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