Feminism vs Humanism

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OwlExpress's picture
Feminism vs Humanism

Hey, new to the site and perhaps this is a dead horse (please tell me if so) but it's an issue that seems to be sensitive even between those of the atheist community.

To me, humanism seems to be the "ideal" standing point for ethical values, even if it is only an ideal. Everyone has tendencies of bias and that's fair and , perhaps, even needed. A bias towards a particular subject leeds to focused efforts and more effective movements. However, when that bias becomes the focal point, it falls from "striving for equality" and veers toward "gaining the advantage".

the feminists I see today seem more vengeful than perhaps they should be. Perhaps I am exposed more to only one side of the movement, but wouldn't that make that side the more abundent, or, at least, the more active side? My hope is that those that are willing take up the humanist flag as opposed to the feminist one.

It is for the sake of a shorter, more "to the point" read that I left out examples. I also am using this as my introductory to the community to perhaps test the waters and see how the people here read into open comments. I will, however, provide such examples if asked.

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OwlExpress's picture
Also, I may have over used
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
welcome to the forum
mysticrose's picture
I both stand for humanism and
CyberLN's picture
I think that in order to
Ellie Harris's picture
Is this just a fallacy of

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