The Five Stages of God

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Nyarlathotep's picture
TimONeill - If the canon was
TimONeill's picture
"That suggests to me you don
Nyarlathotep's picture
TimONeill - There is no
TimONeill's picture
"I didn't claim Constantine
Nyarlathotep's picture
TimONeill - Umm, no. At that
TimONeill's picture
"Bibles" implies the Canon
Nyarlathotep's picture
TimONeill - "Bibles" implies
TimONeill's picture
Are you really this thick?
Nyarlathotep's picture
TimONeill - Are you really
cmallen's picture
TimONeill's picture
cmallen's picture
"Then please explain the
TimONeill's picture
Keep digging that hole pal.
cmallen's picture
I absolutely agree that the
TimONeill's picture
"I absolutely agree that the
Nyarlathotep's picture
argumentum ad blog'ium
TimONeill's picture
"argumentum ad blog'ium"
SBMontero's picture
@Jon the Catholic:
jonthecatholic's picture
Yes, The Council of Nicaea
SBMontero's picture
@Jon the Catholic:
TimONeill's picture
"You see, at the end of this
SBMontero's picture
TimONeill's picture
" you should take the
SBMontero's picture
TimONeill's picture
"Try again."
SBMontero's picture
No, no, sorry, who is
TimONeill's picture
" who is questioning the
SBMontero's picture
TimONeill's picture
Er yup. Why can't you show
cmallen's picture
Jon the Catholic - "Do people


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