Folau may never play rugby again

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MarylinC's picture
Folau may never play rugby again

It never ceases to amaze me why these idiots just cannot stop spouting the bigoted bullshit they read in their old book, going by rules that are 2000 years out-of-date.

They never learn!

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algebe's picture
Sheldon's picture
You'd have to hope he now
Cognostic's picture
I am a big supporter of free
MarylinC's picture
In sporting circles his day
Sheldon's picture
The really stupid part is his
arakish's picture
Why is it that the religious
Sheldon's picture
Well it just keeps getting
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon:
Sheldon's picture
Exactly, he's nothing but a
Sheldon's picture
Well his contract has been
dogalmighty's picture
What a deluded, pea brained,
MarylinC's picture
Well as I'm English I'm
dogalmighty's picture
Agreed...but the damage is
Sheldon's picture
AlbertoCool's picture
I don't believe a person's
Donnovan's picture
Then i guess he will have to
Maria890's picture
Now, if you're the type who
Kreston's picture
Personally, of all sports, I
demik's picture
Hi! Tell me, have you ever
kind21's picture
ক্যাসিনো গেম অনলাইন

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