Google Waymo launched Ai self driving car service 2 days ago.

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Blue Grey Brain's picture
I don't give a shit if Waymo

I don't give a shit if Waymo's AI is at a higher autonomy level. Waymo's business and AI strategy will not make a humongous splash. The pitfalls will make scaling it up nearly impossible.

Tesla's is more impressive because their strategy is to bring self driving to everyone, in every reasonable situation. Tesla does not have the same pitfalls as Waymo.

The database size needed to house the data, needed to preplan every route to every house in certain cities is staggering.

Waymo will either have to change away from pre-planned routes, setting them back, or keep their service small

  • You must recognize by now, why waymo may be considered between level 3 and 4. The reason includes how well prepared the vehicle is, given environmental road factors.
  • -------------------

  • Anyway, as far as data goes, all self driving cars use similar artificial neural networks, but google has a clear advantage when it comes to miles driven and experience/data gathered, and data/infrastructure available to them for exploitation in said neural networks. What do you mean when you say waymo has to pre-plan every route, while tesla doesn't have to, including what pitfals Waymo has compared to tesla? Can you cite where you got that data also? Please try to answer both questions accurately. ( ͡Ϙ ͜ʖ ͡o)( ͡Ϙ ͜ʖ ͡o)
  • arakish's picture
    But waymo ain't. It is still

    But waymo ain't. It is still level 0.0001. At least Tesla's program ain't never turned on a turn signal then turned into a parked car. And waymo did this on an isolated controlled test track. At least Tesla can get from Point A to Point B without have to be preprogrammed. That would actually make Tesla's a higher rank than waymo.


    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Tesla is at best between

    Tesla is at best between level 2 and 3 autonomy, as far as data goes, while Waymo is reasonably between level 3 and 4 autonomy.

    See Wikipedia/Self driving car.

    Nobody else compares to Google, in miles/data/experience gained on public roads. Wikipedia/self driving car/Miles per disengagement.

    Tesla is at best between level 2 and 3 autonomy, as far as data goes, while Waymo is reasonably between level 3 and 4 autonomy.

    See Wikipedia/Self driving car.

    Nobody else compares to Google, in miles/data/experience gained on public roads. Wikipedia/self driving car/Miles per disengagement.

    arakish's picture
    Yet google has had more

    Yet google has had more accidents per mile also.


    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Yet google has had more

    Yet google has had more accidents per mile also.


    Context, and citation needed.

    arakish's picture
    Same articles. rmfr

    Same articles.


    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Same articles.

    Same articles.


    Which particular article, and which paragraph or sentence sequence?

    If you could answer in maybe the way I answered another person in this post/reply, with precise locations, that would perhaps be optimal.

    arakish's picture
    Same articles. rmfr

    Same articles.


    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Same articles.

    Same articles.


    I seems you had no real answer after all. Understood. You can continue this game on your own.

    arakish's picture
    Same articles. rmfr

    Same articles.


    Kreston's picture
    I like to drive safely. That

    I like to drive safely. That's why I prefer to be driven by an experienced driver.

    demik's picture
    I agree with the previous

    I agree with the previous comment. I love to travel and often when looking for a taxi at airports in different countries I came across rude inexperienced taxi drivers with high prices for services. Fortunately, I was lucky to recently find a service with the ability to order a taxi in advance from Larnaca to Protaras and this turned out to be an incredibly convenient solution. If you are planning to fly to Cyprus, you should definitely use the services of atobtransfer.


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