How are these countries in the same century?

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ThePragmatic's picture
How are these countries in the same century?

One of these countries have the good fortune to be held back from progress by the good old Catholic Church.
Can you guess witch one?

Canada - "Quebec to offer abortion pill for free by early fall. Women up to 7 weeks pregnant will be able to get RU-486, province's health minister promises"

El Salvador - "teen rape victim sentenced to 30 years in prison after stillbirth"

And in the meantime, Vatican police is breaking up drug fueled orgies in Cardinal's apartmens.

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Pitar's picture
Did you not get the memo? God

Did you not get the memo? God has Diplomatic Immunity.

And, let's get the record straight for IQ top down in that country -

I feel for the girl. I mean, I can see how any form of concern for that baby might not be in her set of maternal instincts, given the circumstances.

mykcob4's picture
Funny how the USA is

Funny how the USA is considered the most modern nation in the world when Canada which really is the most modern nation in the world can offer abortion pills but the US Congress is trying to get rid of Planned Parenthood and turn back the clock 200 years.

CyberLN's picture
Nice to see you back, Prag. :

Nice to see you back, Prag. :-)

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