Hypothetical For Atheists

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Sapporo's picture
When a theist believes god
Dave Crisp's picture
Recently, I mentioned Romans
Terminal Dogma's picture
Dang, you religious zealots
myusernamekthx's picture
"Dang, you religious zealots
Sapporo's picture
myusernamekthx: You're just
myusernamekthx's picture
"Unless you are omnipotent,
Terminal Dogma's picture
Yes the objects of maths are
Sapporo's picture
Peace Blossom: "Unless you
Terminal Dogma's picture
All morals are subjective...
Sheldon's picture
"your moral values are
Sapporo's picture
Fitting to mention the oft
myusernamekthx's picture
"Religion is an insult to
Sapporo's picture
You don't even follow your
Jared Alesi's picture
You're a twisted piece of
Sheldon's picture
Jared Alesi "You're a twisted
Sheldon's picture
"How would "if my conscience
Sheldon's picture
Thu, 05/10/2018 - 01:10
Armando Perez's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@myusername Re: ""If god
Sidewalk's picture
And this, ladies and gents,
arakish's picture
And can I get an Halleluya
Sheldon's picture
You can, but it's Hallelujah.
mickron88's picture
"but it's Hallelujah."
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon's picture
Your deity doesn't seem to
Sheldon's picture
myusernamekthx "So if your
Terminal Dogma's picture
TBH this hypothetical god
Sheldon's picture
Well I've always accepted the
algebe's picture
@myusernamekthx: So if your


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