I wonder why...

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Steve's picture
I wonder why...

.... there are hundreds of novels and movies depicting some dystopian future or other, yet none of them is based on the most likely dystopian future of all - a worldwide Islamic caliphate?

Is it just cowardice on the part of authors and film-makers. Or a misplaced willingness not to 'offend'.

It seems to me that there's an incredible opportunity for Booker prizes, and maybe a handful of Oscars, to anyone prepared to give this a go.

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CyberLN's picture
It's probably also an
Capt.Bobfm's picture
Go ahead, wright the book.
AtheistsMeow's picture
Apparently there will be an
Zaphod's picture
Really that's awesome I
CyberLN's picture
It's going to be available
SammyShazaam's picture
Wow, awesome! That's the
AtheistsMeow's picture
Just found ROKU sticks at
Lmale's picture
What ive found out recently
Zaphod's picture
I am Curious Steve, How would
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You should wonder why there
Zaphod's picture
I we made a movie about

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