'legalized' pedophilia in the Catholic Church

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
'legalized' pedophilia in the Catholic Church

Start a petition to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops:
3211 Fourth Street NE
Washington, DC 20017

After fleeing in terror from the Church this year, I found the documented evidence. The Australian canon lawyers published two documents. The first is a legal report entitled “Canon Law – A Systemic Factor in Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church.” (free download from National Catholic Reporter) The second is the lay version “Potiphar’s Wife.” (buy on line for real money) Both explain the Misprision of Felony laws that must be enacted to FORCE THE BISHOPS TO TURN THE RECORDS OVER TO POLICE. This should also be another tool in law enforcement’s belt to force witnesses to testify. They would need to be written to protect witnesses from violence.

May 27, 1917 was the 100 year anniversary of the beginning of ‘legal’ pedophilia in the Catholic Church; because that was the day that pedophilia became a “crime” with NO PUNISHMENT! DO NOT FORGET THAT THE VATICAN IS ITS OWN SEPARATE COUNTRY. On that day, the vatican decided that pedophilia wasn’t a crime IF NO ONE KNEW ABOUT IT. The law made secrecy about pedophilia paramount and all cases had to be handled directly by the vatican; which had no provisions for punishing them. The penalty for breaking the vow of silence was AUTOMATIC EXCOMMUNICATION.

I was a 50 year plus Roman Catholic watching the pedophile crisis in horror, especially when the previous entity in possession of the vatican compared women who want to be priests to pedophiles. Then the PA bishops ordered all the priests to blatantly lie about PA Bill 1947 which extended the statute of limitations on pedophiles. Bill Donahue of the Catholic League was especially eloquent. “The only purpose of the bill was, To stick it to Catholics.” If the only purpose of the bill was to stick it to Catholics, then he must believe that the purpose of the Catholic Church is to rape children. This would coincide nicely with his belief in ‘Catholic astrology’ – Philadelphia Archbishop Slap You is listed as one of his principle supporters.

They falsely claimed that PA Bill 1947 bill unfairly targeted non-profits. They said that the bill excluded those in the public sector. The bill says the exact opposite. It specifically waives sovereign immunity so those in the public sector can be sued. They forced all the parishes in the state to publish their lies in their bulletins. (The fact that the bill itself was poorly designed is beside the point.)

I complained to my local priest; who handed out the "Catholic' League’s Essay "Women's Moral Descent" with its theme that men have the right and moral obligation to decide which women deserve to be raped. When Bill Donahue is held up to me as the epitome of Catholic truth and wisdom, that sonic boom you hear is me fleeing out the door. I called my daughter at college, crying, saying that all the priests were depraved perverts totally dedicated to worshipping their dicks. Her response, “Duh, Mom!. I’m sorry you had to figure it out in such a painful way.” I fled the Church in terror and will never set foot in a Catholic Church again.

Then the lying depraved thugs endorsed the lying depraved thug for president, proving that they believe that abstinence isn’t a choice, it is a privilege revocable by any male a woman may come in contact with. Because a woman’s body must ALWAYS be available to worship a man’s penis.
Bishop Slap You, who has done more than any other bishop in the US to jepodize the health and safety of young people was just chosen to represent the US at the Sin Nod on Youth.
Then it got even worse. I checked this with one of the Australian writing collaborators and the legal firm named in the movie “Spotlight.” Pre Benne Dick, I wouldn’t have believed any of this. Now, I believe every word. The “mercy” prayer”, endorsing men murdering wives by false claims of adultery helped convince me.

I knew that the incompetence of the Church over the pedophilia crisis and everything else could not possibly be accidental. It had to be deliberate. Both books are both enlightening and explained a lot of things I had seen in the Church that didn’t make a bit of sense before.


Both books are useful tools to document the process and the legal remedies that can be taken to stop them and force the bishops to turn over the records. (Now I see where Marino got the inspiration to create his legal drug pushing rings!) Misprision of felony was abolished in most jurisdictions. The canon law requires the bishops to obey civil law where THEY ARE LEGALLY REQUIRED TO REPORT. It is getting worse. Francis was all – We are a nation of pedophiles – in front of the UN.

The vatican has proudly and effectively proclaimed that Christ is the Great Penis in the sky to which you must sacrifice children. I WILL LITERALLY BE DAMMED IF I WORSHIP THE GREAT PENIS IN THE SKY TO WHICH YOU MUST SACRIFICE CHILDREN!


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Cognostic's picture
I thought it was legal? That
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Did you go to Boy's Town? My
xenoview's picture
@Mrs. Paul Owczarek
Sheldon's picture
You are correct of course. Or
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Actually, I pray every night
MCDennis's picture
Keep in mind the fact that
Cognostic's picture
No. I was just making a
Fleeing in Terror's picture
What in the world is this
LogicFTW's picture
Always makes it exceedingly
Cognostic's picture
But pedophilia is moral. The
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
The Catholic Church responses
Fleeing in Terror's picture
two different concepts. It
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
jonthecatholic's picture
The secrecy of the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ JoC
CyberLN's picture
JoC, you wrote, “It’s a
Tin-Man's picture
@JoC Re: "....It's a
Sheldon's picture
"The secrecy of the
Tin-Man's picture
@Sheldon Re: "Oh and can I
mickron88's picture
i've noticed jocs photo..
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Rights is the wrong word.
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Old Man & JoC - You are BOTH
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I think that would be the
Flamenca's picture
@JoC Forcing priests and
jonthecatholic's picture
I am serious. I agree we need
Tin-Man's picture
@JoC Re: "Just to put your
Sheldon's picture
"I am serious. I agree we
algebe's picture
@JoC: Forcinng priests to
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Dear Old Man Shouts:


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