Logic of "lack of proof"

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Andromeda's picture
Logic of "lack of proof"

Ask a Christian why they don't believe in evolution or the Big Bang and they will say "there's no proof".
Ask a Christian where the proof for God and creation is and they say "we don't need proof".

They then become "logical" by saying "you can't disprove it". Lack of proof does not constitute proof, it constitutes lack of proof, and, if anything, absurdity.

Doesn't this seem like an irrational reason to believe in something? I dare the mythology fanboys to challenge me on this one.

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Whitefire13's picture
Hi Andromeda! Found this
LogicFTW's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Andromeda: I dare the
David Killens's picture
One can not prove a god,
Dworkin's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Dworkin
Sheldon's picture
Dworkin "Just a small point.
David Killens's picture
@ Dworkin
dogalmighty's picture
Christians = failure in
CyberLN's picture
Hi doG. Why engage xtians in
dogalmighty's picture
Yup...including me.
Kevin Levites's picture
Your points imply larger
Nyarlathotep's picture
[Science] can be very good at
kalyan's picture
considering the size of the
David Killens's picture
@ kalyan chakravarthy
boomer47's picture
@kalyan chakravarthy
kalyan's picture
dogalmighty's picture
Religion only exists because
boomer47's picture
Sheldon's picture
kalyan chakravarthy
Calilasseia's picture
Quite simply, whoever

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