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Anonymous's picture

Religion-Christianity and Islam does not say a lot about masturbation. It is not written so much in the bible or Koran but it is very much discouraged. It is so much a taboo that it is hardly if ever discussed. If a teenager or child or anybody mentions the word masturbate at a kitchen table the room becomes silent. Masturbation is sooo baaddd that Christians and Moslems never even mention the word. Yes Islam and Christianity talk about Hell and Heaven, homosexuality is sin, heathens and fornicators, what day to honor the Sabbath, not to eat lobster, how great God is and pray to God five times a day, and Jesus takes away our sins, and Allah Praise be him is great(greater than Jesus), Christianity teaches us about Noah and the Flood. Islam tells of the great warrior Mohammad. The bible and Koran are filled with thousand of pages of "teachings" stories and all that nonsense. But not much about masturbation. Masturbation is so bad that it is not only not written in the holy books it is sacrilegious just to say the word MASTURBATE. So without a Holy Book to navigate the rules of masturbation I created a guide to help "believers" understand the taboos and pleasures of masturbation.

1. Never masturbate using the ladies home journal or people magazine
2. Using playboy(or play girl) or Penthouse Magazine is no longer preferable
3. The internet is flooded with all kinds of fantasies that will help you in your masturbation.
4. masturbating with a partner (hand job) does not count as masturbation.
5. Trying to break a masturbation record is futile as the record of 25 ejaculations in 12 hours is a world record never to be surpassed .
6. Never talk about your masturbation experiences to anyone(unless they have a sense of humor) because for some reason even outside of religion people don't talk a lot about masturbation. I don't know why. It is kind of funny
7. Try not to get "caught" masturbating". For some reason it can be embarrassing. I don't know why . It is kind of funny
8. If it happens and in the middle of masturbation someone is about to discover your pleasure --quickly cover up and make believe your reading a book or quickly turn on the TV

I am tempted to go on and on in more detail about masturbation but sometimes my innocent attempt at humor or satire is perceived as "trolling" and I have been banned for my indiscretion by just trying to be funny. Hopefully by stopping now I haven't offended the executive's at "banning central" (comedy central I would be praised) and I will remain in good standing.

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mjplatt's picture
Why is it masturbation if it

Why is it masturbation if it is your hand and that's bad but if it is someone else's hand it's okay?

Anonymous's picture
It is time for all those who

It is time for all those who masturbate to come out of the closet. If 99% of all males and 98% of all females masturbate we should organize a march on Washington and demand recognition. We should schedule a day to express ourselves. Everyone else marches for their rights. Why not those who masturbate.. I have great ideas how to organize the march with slogans-like "Masturbate people matter" or signs than read We (us human beings that masturbate) shall overcome". I have other great ideas but I am open for suggestions for our inspiring march on Washington for people who masturbate matter.

mjplatt's picture
fred, I'd raise my right hand

fred, I'd raise my right hand and say "amen" to that, but I'm using it right now....

Anonymous's picture
is it sacriligious

Bill Cosby

Anonymous's picture
Did Jesus ever masturbate.

Did Jesus ever masturbate. What about John the Baptist. How about the POPE

Anonymous's picture
The Pope

The Pope

Anonymous's picture


ThePragmatic's picture

Public information announcement:

"fred,k" is actually the infamous troll of the Atheist Republic forum.

Generally referred to as "Kenny", has been banned many times under different names.
Previously known aliases include: "Kenny Schweiger", "Kenny", "myself", "alleycat", "richardd", "Christopher", "marken", "punkin", "amber", "Simon".

He claims to be an atheist. But he has a fondness for using "sarcasm", even though no one ever gets his sarcasm and he has been told this many times, he keeps posting such deceiving comments.

He seems obsessed with religions, creationists and the stupidity of Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, Joel Osteen, Ted Cruz, Sean Hannity, Donald Trump, Vanna White, Sarah Palin, etc.

Anonymous's picture


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