My only brother

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Thinker's picture
My only brother

Right around the end of December my brother, and, he is my only brother, there were 4 of us, now two are dead. I tried to be honest with him and I told him that I was an atheist. He stopped communicating with me immediately. From that day forward he has not spoken to me. I guess he thinks that his god will get mad at him if he has anything to do with me. I thought you should be able to be honest with your only brother. We are both most likely in the senectitude of our existence I am mid 60's he is in his mid 70's . I suppose this is the way it is. I thought he would be more open minded, his two closest friends are gay and he speaks fondly of them. I am his only brother and he chooses to not speak to me for how I believe (or not believe) I dont think I have lost much. Thanks for being here.

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David Killens's picture
This is a sad state of
Cognostic's picture
Sorry to hear it.
LogicFTW's picture
At 70, people are not likely
Thinker's picture
I did this for years, and, Ii
arakish's picture
Damn Thinker. I feel for you
Thinker's picture
Thank you Arakish, I lived
Fallen's picture
Sorry to hear that, and I
CybXplorer's picture
Sorry to hear that. I lost my
Thinker's picture
I am truly sorry to hear that
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I too am sorry to hear this,
Thinker's picture
Thank you all, we didnt speak
arakish's picture
Thinker: "I dare not speak
Cognostic's picture
Family is as family does.
Tin-Man's picture
Thinker's picture
Thank you everyone who has
Cognostic's picture
This site is loaded with
arakish's picture
Or having to listen to their
dogalmighty's picture
Thinker's picture
I too have left the lines of
Sky Pilot's picture
Thinker's picture
That makes a lot of sense and
jadashell's picture
"Reminds me of these comics

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