New to the site, Accepting that I am Athiest..need support.

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moore2clarks's picture
New to the site, Accepting that I am Athiest..need support.

Good morning everyone,

This is my first time posting on any athiest site and it is my first time admitting this publicly. I have struggled with this for a while now but especially over the last four months or so and I can no longer lie to myself and deny the truth and how I feel. I have become an Athiest, it is even hard for me to type that...I didnt choose this, it seems that it has chosen me. I was born into a Christian household with a born again Christian father. My entire life I have believed in god and Jesus ETC. My faith has been shaken over the years, but I never lost my faith. I have not reached this conclusion due to my life going south or some sort of crisis that is happening with me. It is due to lots of thinking, studying, watching how the church and religious folks behave, the corruption of organized religion, just to name a few. I guess I just feel almost guilty feeling this way, I feel like I have let me late father down. My family has no idea I feel this way and they still come to me for advice on keeping their own faith. I revealed this to my girlfriend last night and she was very supportive, I'm not scared or any of that, I just feel as I said almost guilty and ashamed to have come to this conclusion. There are many many other reasons why my beliefs have shifted, if anyone happens to be curious about that, I will share that with you. Thank you for any kind words, advice or support you can offer as I begin to accept this change.



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NewSkeptic's picture
moore2clarks's picture
Thank you for your reply.
CyberLN's picture
Hi Medic0258. Welcome. I’d
Tin-Man's picture
Hey there, Medic! Welcome to
moore2clarks's picture
Thank you all, I appreciate
Tin-Man's picture
@Medic Re: "I have met nicer
David Killens's picture
Welcome to Atheist Republic
moore2clarks's picture
Thank you David, I too tried
Tin-Man's picture
@Medic Re: "Tin man, do you
Cognostic's picture
@Medic0258: Here in lies
Cognostic's picture
RE: It is due to lots of
Cognostic's picture
WOW! I made it through two
moore2clarks's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "WOW! I made it
moore2clarks's picture
Thanks cog, I have seen a lot
LogicFTW's picture
Whitefire13's picture
Hi Medic... just wanted to

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