October 5th Today Neil deGrasse Tyson's 60th Birthday

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Big Fat Heretic's picture
October 5th Today Neil deGrasse Tyson's 60th Birthday

As of this day, October 5,2018 is Neil deGrasse Tyson's
60th birthday.

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Closet_atheist's picture
I kinda idolize Neil deGrasse

I kinda idolize Neil deGrasse Tyson, I’v read most of his material and almost always learn something new when listening to him.

But although he doesn’t believe in a god, he doesn’t consider himself an atheist. He doesn’t like the label it portrays, and I don’t blame him.

Big Fat Heretic's picture
Yeah! He only says he doesn't

Yeah! He only says he doesn't believe in God. He prefers
to avoid the A word. I'm OK with that.

I have all 13 episodes of his COSMOS Spacetime Odyssey on
my AT&T android iPod.

I must have watched it a dozen times, and I learn more
every time. I can remember more of what he has said.

It's the gift that keeps on giving!

Sometime in 2019 he's going to come out with another
new series titled Possible Worlds which is about the
over a thousand exo-planets discovered so far.

I'm looking forward to that! I can hardly wait!

Sheldon's picture
Happy birthday Neil, many

Happy birthday Neil, many happy returns.

alpha480v's picture
I like the man but still

I like the man but still think the original Cosmos with Sagan was better. No real reason, just maybe because I am old and saw it a at impressionable age. Happy 60 Neal!

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