An Open Audio Letter to Richard Dawkins

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GabrielSerafin's picture
An Open Audio Letter to Richard Dawkins



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Cognostic's picture
Another theist that seems to
GabrielSerafin's picture
The sheer power of the
Sapporo's picture
GabrielSerafin: The fact that
GabrielSerafin's picture
Sapporo asked: Why do you
Cognostic's picture
@GabrielSerafin RE: The
LogicFTW's picture
Sheldon's picture
Yeah, you'll have to post the
GabrielSerafin's picture
It’s a 3 minute audio link.
Sheldon's picture
GabrielSerafin " It’s a 3
Cognostic's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog
Cognostic's picture
It was 2AM and I was not
Calilasseia's picture
Oh dear, it's petunias time
Cognostic's picture
Grinseed's picture
"It’s a 3 minute audio link.
arakish's picture
Well, I am glad I did not
dogalmighty's picture
You present nothing that
MarylinC's picture
@ GabrielSerafin
Cognostic's picture
@MarylinC FFS - I hate it
Kataclismic's picture
Without evidence, I don't
GabrielSerafin's picture
Belief in God’s existence is
Sapporo's picture
GabrielSerafin's picture
Sapporo Said:The Big Bang is
Sheldon's picture
"The universe exists in time,
GabrielSerafin's picture
Sheldon said:Time exists only
Sheldon's picture
" This alone is logical
Cognostic's picture
If God exists, thus a
GabrielSerafin's picture
Again, in order for something
Sheldon's picture
GabrielSerafin "Again, in
Cognostic's picture


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