Perennial philosophy - Atheism and Theism are DEAD

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Sir Random's picture
It isint scientifically
Rek Init's picture
That's simply according to
Sir Random's picture
There's no science in
Rek Init's picture
It has been field tested. I
Sir Random's picture
So, if I go to a scientific
Rek Init's picture
Actually, the answer would be
Sir Random's picture
Really? So you can prove that
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Kafei
Sir Random's picture
You know what, forget it. I'm
Rek Init's picture
Your opinion about it doesn't
Sir Random's picture
I'm not calling bullshit on
Rek Init's picture
@Tieler Like I said, you can
Sir Random's picture
So, you are essentially
Sir Random's picture
Yes, I'm stereotypeing the
Rek Init's picture
I believe I've made it clear
Sir Random's picture
I didn't say psychedelics.
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Kafei
Rek Init's picture
@The Pragmatic Was that it?
Sir Random's picture
By "Drugs" I mean anything
Rek Init's picture
Well, that slang usually
Sir Random's picture
I think I'll pass. Not for
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Kafei
Rek Init's picture
The Pragmatic: Well, I agree
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Kafei
Rek Init's picture
Pragmatic: So what you are
Rek Init's picture
I suppose there's no one
Sir Random's picture
I think the authority to
Rek Init's picture
You've got to be kidding me.
Sir Random's picture
I'm quite certain the
Rek Init's picture
Or it may be a moderator hasn


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