proving Jesus christ

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xenoview's picture

How do we know Hannibal lived? Was it because Carthage fought Roman, and it's recorded in Roman history? Can you outside of your bible prove jesus is real?

algebe's picture
@JoC: "How do we know

@JoC: "How do we know Hannibal lived?"

We don't know for sure. But as I said, it doesn't really matter. Hannibal is just a footnote in the histories of two fallen empires.

If Hannibal was the focus of a global death cult influencing governments, holding back progress, and causing wars and misery over the past two millennia, then we'd want a higher standard of proof about his existence. Don't you agree?

jonthecatholic's picture
Really? Holding back progress

Really? Holding back progress? Death Cult? Causing wars? And Atheistic ideologies have done better in the past?

My head's hurting right now. Too much misinformation in a single post.

algebe's picture


Sorry to make your head hurt. Maybe this will make you feel better.

Christianity is a death cult. It's main symbol is an instrument of execution. Its followers are promised a better life after death. Many of its hymns and prayers are about blood and pain. Most cathedrals house bones, teeth, etc., that are supposedly relics of dead saints.

Wars started by religions? How about the Crusades, the Spanish Armada, and the 30 Years War. Religion was also deeply involved in the Rwandan horrors, and the "Troubles" in Ireland. There are plenty more examples. And god, the traitorous bastard, has been on both sides whipping everyone into a murderous frenzy in every war.

Progress: Religion's long battle against astronomy was symbolized by the burning of Bruno. They also terrorized Galileo. More recently, religious groups have lobbied against stem cell research. In medieval times, monks tried to heal people with saints' relics and shit poultices, while burning "wise women" (herbal healers) as witches. You'll find examples of religious obstruction/interference in many other fields right down to the present day, including efforts to introduce "intelligent design" garbage into school science programs.

jonthecatholic's picture
I'll be brief on the death

I'll be brief on the death cult comment because it simply is inaccurate. Neither here nor there. It's actually one that celebrates life's triumph over death through the cross you just mentioned.

Wars aren't started by religions... only. Whenever two groups of people disagree on something, there are wars. Should we get rid of democracy because of the wars caused by it? Should we get rid of borders? Countries go to war for those too. World Wars 1 and 2 were not religious wars. You could say they were secular in nature. And while war is a bad and ugly thing, it's something we as humans basically ask for. Whether it's when one country invades another, or some one gets shot, a man/woman used their free will to put into motion a war.

The next part is a doozy.

Religion's long battle against astronomy was symbolized by the burning of Bruno.
- Battle against astronomy? Bruno wasn't a scientist by any means. He was charged a heretic for preaching heresy, none of which included his "astronomy studies", which were non-existent.

They also terrorized Galileo.
- Did they? Review your history. The Galileo affair was simply a quarrel between the Pope and Galileo because of Galileo's actions. Guess who helped Galileo with his heliocentric model? Jesuits.

More recently, religious groups have lobbied against stem cell research.
- I think the thing being lobbied against is embryonic stem cell research.

In medieval times, monks tried to heal people with saints' relics and shit poultices, while burning "wise women" (herbal healers) as witches.
- in secular courts

You'll find examples of religious obstruction/interference in many other fields right down to the present day, including efforts to introduce "intelligent design" garbage into school science programs.
- I'm unfamiliar with this.

algebe's picture
Galileo was prosecuted by the

Galileo was prosecuted by the church for supporting Copernican views and reporting the existence of sunspots.

Bruno was murdered for his Copernican and cosmological views as well as his theological ideas. Even the Pope recognized that a wrong was done when be apologized in 2000.

Apart from wars directly triggered by religious conflicts, when has there ever been any kind of war without some form of religious inspiration or dimension? Religion is great stuff for inspiring soldiers and justifying atrocities. The Enola Gay was blessed by a Catholic priest. Harry Truman thanked god for giving the Allies the A-bomb.

Intelligent design/creationism in schools:
I don't know what country you're in. This has been an issue in the US for a long time.

"in secular courts"
Which European country had real secular courts in medieval/early modern Europe?

jonthecatholic's picture
Let me disprove your points

Let me disprove your points about Galileo and Bruno and the idea that the Church was against the Copernican view.

The Gregorian Calendar, the one we use today named after Pope Gregory XIII, was introduced in 1582. Bruno's trial was in 1593. Galileo's was in 1633. The Gregorian Calendar actually used Copernicus' model for the duration of 1 year. Bruno and Galileo couldn't have been charged for using the Copernican model which the church already used for the Gregorian calendar. They were under trial for something else.

Bruno was under trial for teaching heresy like denial of the Trinity. Galileo was under trial for mocking the pope. Actually, at the time, Galileo himself was unscientific about his procedure. He had the right idea but with a wrong procedure.

"The Enola Gay was blessed by a Catholic priest. Harry Truman thanked god for giving the Allies the A-bomb." these things are neither here nor there. Just shoehorned to try to make a point that falls flat.

xenoview's picture

Atheist don't have ideologies. Atheist believe in zero gods, because of a lack of evidence any god exist. Christians have the ideologies that are harmful to the world. Christianity has a bloody past, with the blood of innocents on it's hands. I ask you again, can you prove a god exist? The bible is not good evidence that a god exist, because it says a god exist. You need an outside source to prove a god is real.

Burn Your Bible's picture
You haven't proved anything..

You haven't proved anything... Jesus (who I personally do not think existed) was god, god is an immoral thug, Jesus is equally an asshole!

Sirkenstien's picture
Go outside on a cold winter

Go outside on a cold winter day and look up at the sun. There you will see your "son" with his "crown of thorns".

Chica__2009's picture
Not really sure what you mean

Not really sure what you mean by this question. There's also the old testament that shows who.Jesus is and what he's like. There are also tons of videos and books of Jesus. So.I think it's safe to say you do indeed stand corrected.

mykcob4's picture
Nope Hello there is no record

Nope Hello there is no record of "jesus" other than the bible. The books you refer to are just taking the bible's word, they aren't proof. And videos, REALLY? You think "videos" are proof. I guess jesus had a camcorder.

Chica__2009's picture
I disagree. The question was,

I disagree. The question was, "Outside of the new testament do you read or hear any source or sources that describe what jesus was like and what he taught?"

Videos and books are sources and maybe not for you but for me and other Christians, these are reliable and accurate resources that clearly explains what Jesus was like. If we're talking about historical sources or something like that, then devout Christian will still stand corrected because he said "outside of the new testament". He didn't include the old testament which is packed full of Jesus.

Jared Alesi's picture
A book written by an

A book written by an apologist who took Bible verses and speculated on them is not proof of anything but wasted thought and effort.

Chica__2009's picture
In theory, I agree but we

In theory, I agree but we probably have different views on who would come under this category of "an apologist who took Bible verses and speculated on them"

Jared Alesi's picture
Well considering no book has

Well considering no book has ever been written on the subject that didn't fall under that category, I'd say we probably would have different views. There's nothing supporting the historicity of any Biblical event or character, and no scientific support either. So anything you purport to be evidence is probably what I defined prior.

Jared Alesi's picture
And the Old Testament never

And the Old Testament never mentioned Jesus. At all. There were ridiculous 'prophecies' about an unnamed person that were really vague. The writers of the new testament simply invented a character that did all these things that nobody saw or recorded until decades later.

mykcob4's picture
Bullshit Hello! They are not

Bullshit Hello! They are not reliable. You are a gullible sort.

jonthecatholic's picture
Sorry. I'm a Christian but

Sorry. I'm a Christian but even I can see that video evidence isn't reliable. The videos you're talking about get their info from some source. It's usually the Bible. So no.

What most people forget however, is that the New Testament is NOT one source about Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are four separate and independent accounts of Jesus' life. Some of Paul's letters also reference him. By this alone, you actually have a lot of individual sources that reference Jesus. Not just one.

Chica__2009's picture
Wouldn't Christians as in

Wouldn't Christians as in pastors etc. be reliable sources about Jesus since they get the Word of God from the holy spirit?

jonthecatholic's picture
That idea is actually

That idea is actually problematic. Think of it this way, have you ever met another Christian who disagreed with you on some doctrine (or two pastors)? You don't even have to look far. Martin Luther and Calvin disagreed on pre-destination. Both of them claim to get the Word of God from the Holy Spirit but the two of them disagree. If you believe in a religion, you believe that a single objective truth exists. How can there be multiple versions of the truth? There must only be one. One must be wrong. The other one right.

Chica__2009's picture
This can't be true for every

This can't be true for every pastor/video/book because otherwise nothing anyone says about Christianity could be validated. Don't you believe your own pastor? And if he/she were to write a book or have an online sermon, would you not think this a resource?

jonthecatholic's picture
True. That isn’t true of

True. That isn’t true of every pastor. But you need to evaluate where your pastor gets his authority? There’s currently only one Church in the world which can trace it’s roots all the way back to Jesus Christ. And he assured that church that he’ll be with it until the end of the age.

Nyarlathotep's picture
JoC - If you believe in a

JoC - If you believe in a religion, you believe that a single objective truth exists. How can there be multiple versions of the truth? There must only be one. One must be wrong. The other one right.

Truth/logic does not work that way.

jonthecatholic's picture
Tell me then how truth and

Tell me then how truth and logic work? And don’t give me subjective truths like you like vanilla and I like chocolate. I’m talking objective truths.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Bob is missing. I think Bob

JoC - Tell me then how truth and logic work?

Bob is missing. I think Bob is at Alice's house. You think Bob is at Eve's house. Now let's look at what you said:

JoC - believe that a single objective truth exists. How can there be multiple versions of the truth? There must only be one. One must be wrong. The other one right.

We can be sure that we aren't both right; but we can't be sure that one of us is right (we might both be wrong).

jonthecatholic's picture
How about mutually exclusive

How about mutually exclusive events? Say you think Bob is at Alice’s house. And I say Bob is not at Alice’s house. Does my logic follow that one is true and the other false?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Right; but that is not what

Right; but what you said earlier was not exclusive; which is exactly why I criticized it.

xenoview's picture

Are you saying that religious leaders hear a voice in their head, or does the holy spirit appear in front of them?

xenoview's picture

Where does it talk about jesus in the OT? What are the verses, please list them.


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