Question To Muslims! SERIOUSLY? FOR REAL?

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Sheldon's picture
This is argumentum as
Sky Pilot's picture
If anyone cares this is a
Dave Matson's picture
Diotrephes, Fantastic!
Tasnim's picture
I wonder why atheist can't
Sky Pilot's picture
Tasnim Mohammed,
Dave Matson's picture
Dave Matson's picture
Tasnim Mohammed,
Sheldon's picture
I wonder why you think your
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tasnim
Dave Matson's picture
"1- Can you create something
xenoview's picture
Tasnim's picture
On the personal or individual
LogicFTW's picture
Ah the complex design
Dave Matson's picture
@Tasnim Mohammed,
Sapporo's picture
Our bodies only show that our
Tasnim's picture
LogicFTW's picture
@Tasnim Mohammed
Dave Matson's picture
@Tasnim Mohammed,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tasnim
Nyarlathotep's picture
Old man shouts - Hilarious.
Tasnim's picture
Thank you for your response.
mickron88's picture
Dave Matson's picture
Tasnim's picture
Got more questions call 877
Dave Matson's picture
Tasnim's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Tasnim Mohammed - Did we


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Sky Pilot's picture
Tasnim Mohammed,
Dave Matson's picture
Tasnim Mohammed,
Tasnim's picture
"humans did not evolve from


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