In relation to the Snowden news

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
In relation to the Snowden news

Basically, Snowden is willing to go to prison under certain terms if it means he can come back to America (goes to show how terrible the USSR is right now that he chooses the US prison system, one of the worst in the undustrialized world, over that).

I bring this up because this has to do with the concept freedom, something that I'm sure we all can identify with

What do you think of the article and the events? THe extreme douschebag in me kinf of wishes he really wishes he's stay out of the states forever to teach people of the "Tyranny of ther Republic [of America]" The free agency side of me says he should be able to do whatever he wants within the confines of just law.

Cheers :)

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
well, he just is a patriot

well, he just is a patriot and loved his country enough to be a whistle blower for NSA and loose his job, his hard earned reputation, everything.

Do you feel surprised that he wishes to return home?

I think he is a hero for his country, not the sick fucks that control it but the people he gave up so much for.

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
yea that does surprise me.

yea that does surprise me. not at his character, but that he actually cares about America - we are a pretty terrible country

Nutmeg's picture
I think he'd probably be

I think he'd probably be treated very badly in prison, so it would be best to stay in Moscow.

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
What if he has no forseeable

What if he has no forseeable way to generate income to not freeze or starve to death?

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