Seashells and God

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Dave Matson's picture
Seashells and God

Seashells! Magnificent, coiled seashells! How beautiful their designs are! How unusually strong they are. How durable. And, it doesn't stop there.

"Many of these shells have spectacularly complex shapes--logarithmic spirals bedecked with fractal spines or other ornaments, all executed with near-perfect mathematical regularity."
(Derek E. Moulton, Alain Goriely, and Régis Chirat, "How Seashells Take Shape," Scientific American, April 2018)

I have bad news for those who naively cling to the idea that a Great Designer created those lovely structures. It turns out, as shown in the Scientific American article, that the fabulous "designs" of coiled seashells follow from very simple rules. A Master Designer is not needed!

How many other fabulous "designs" are out there that can, if examined closely, be traced to very simple rules well within the grasp of Mother Nature? And, we haven't even considered complex "designs" that arose via intermediate evolutionary stages, such as the eye! What if God isn't needed for any of life's designs? What about incompetent designs nicely explained by evolution? What about insidious or "evil" designs also nicely explained by evolution? Looks like we have a hole in the design argument big enough to accommodate an 18-wheeler!

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algebe's picture
These apparently designed
wgusapukc's picture
Excellent thread.
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@wgusapukc: Facts are only
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