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ZeffD's picture

Considering the views of Scottish, NI, Catalan, Basque and other European nationalists, I think there needs to be a Europe-wide debate about what right people have to self-determination.

The position of territories like the Falkland Is, Gibraltar and British Virgin Islands should be made clear too. What about Kurdistan, Hong Kong and Taiwan?!
Just when do a people have the right to self-determination? And should the whole country be polled or just the element that want independence?

The Kurdish regional President, M Barzani, asks: “Is it a crime to ask people in Kurdistan to express in a democratic way what they want to have for a future?”

The US and UN are seen as condemning the referendum, quote:
Feisal al-Istrabadi, former Iraqi ambassador to the UN, said the Kurdish government risks throwing the region into turmoil for no clear gain.
"For the Turks and the Iranians, but particularly for Turkey, this [referendum] is an existential threat," he told Al Jazeera, speaking from Bloomington, Indiana. "How Turkey will deal with an independently Iraqi Kurdistan, but deny their own Kurds independence is a problem requiring Solomonic wisdom."

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MCDennis's picture
Thank you for sharing. What
mykcob4's picture
I have fought with the Kurds.
ZeffD's picture
I would add that the Allies

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