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Sushisnake's picture
@Cog and Grinseed

@Cog and Grinseed

What happened to all those disposable toliet seat covers I sent you both? You each got a pallet!

No wait. I get it. You're both hanging out in public toilets to do your viewing because free wifi, aren't you?

@Grinseed, are you the reason children all over Australia are reporting there's a huffing/puffing monster in the public dunny? Stop it immediately. Both of you. Stop. It. Immediately.

Grinseed's picture
Terrible, scurrilous claims

Terrible, scurrilous claims there Sushi...I never huff or puff...well it could be the asthma I suppose....but, but, well, what are the children all over Australia doing hanging around public toilets eavesdropping on... on...I blame the parents...Oh! Look! Vegemite and cocaine sandwiches look famished Sushi, eat some! Now!

Sheldon's picture
"Vegemite and cocaine

"Vegemite and cocaine sandwiches "

The ultimate dichotomy. I despise Vegemite.

Sushisnake's picture


Me too. Don't mind Promite, though.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sushi and Sheldon

@ Sushi and Sheldon

Promite...the thinking person's Vegemite...actually there's a big taste difference...must be the brewery they get it from ...

Cognostic's picture
I thought I hated it until a

I thought I hated it until a Brit showed me how to eat it. You gotta get some buttered toast and put an extremely light layer over the top. You don't need much because it is so salty. People put more when they accustom themselves to the taste. I was on a train in China and did not know what the stuff was. I ordered some toast and they slopped it on like peanut butter. I took a bite and was convinced me and vegimite were due to be enemies for life. I believe that until just a few weeks ago when someone introduced me to it proper. It really is tasty done properly.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog

@ Cog
Ask TM...I introduced him to Vegemite on sourdough...even better with unsalted butter

Tin-Man's picture
Re: Sourdough and Vegemite

Re: Sourdough and Vegemite

Yep. Yummy! Toast the bread dark. Slather on the butter. A nice, thin coating of Vegemite over that. And a tall glass of cold orange juice. Mmmm-mmmm good. Matter of fact, about to go have some in just a few moments....*merrily skips away toward kitchen*

Cognostic's picture
Ahemm- toilet seat covers...

Ahemm- toilet seat covers... OF COURSE WE HAVE BEEN HANGING OUT IN PUBLIC BATHROOMS, The damn toilet seat covers can be sold for twenty-five cents each. We gotta sell something to get our Sisyphus medication. I wish I would have known about the cocaine in the Vegimite earlier. I could have swapped the new box you sent for a jar and just started using cocaine,

Cognostic's picture
OMG!!!! One of the things I

OMG!!!! One of the things I miss most. Sour Dough Bread. I have not seen it in years. San Fransisco Sour Dough. I want to cry now. Di Carlo, Sour Dough. I used to love Sour Dough bread. They make crap over here that the call sour dough but it does not crisp up in the toaster like sour dough is supposed to and it tastes like shit. I can not get a good rich rye either. And guess what...... PRAYING DOES NOT HELP!

arakish's picture


Do like me and learn the recipe for SF sour dough and make it yourself. I have found it is very difficult to find authentic SF sour dough at the stores. Thus, I learned the recipe for myself. Now I make it in my bread maker.



Cognostic's picture
No ovens in the apartments in

No ovens in the apartments in Korea. This is changing. Ovens have become popular in the past 10 years however if you want one you generally have to buy it yourself unless you are moving into a newly built family apartment. Everything here is a soup or grilled. I suppose I could make a toaster oven. I've heard that getting the sour dough culture to actually work is quite difficult. I did read about it once and it seemed more people failed than succeeded. Hey? You wanna buy a toilet seat cover. I will give you a special deal. 2 for 30 cents. You can share one with a friend.


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