Technology will bring us back

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Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
Technology will bring us back

After we die, I think humanity will bring us back to life. It will be like a 100,000 years or so before humanity figures out souls. Humanity will have figured out how to manipulate the universe and make new universes. So humanity will find God eventually. It would be cool to be brought back to life. They can bring you back to life even if you were burned to ashes. Our civilization will last forever.

Being that it will be really far in the future when we are brought back to life. That means by then, humanity has created real God's too. Gods that can manipulate the universe any way they see fit. God's that has omnipotent power. So everybody goes to a place better than heaven. Everybody that wants to become a God can become a God.

I have no worries about death. Either God revives me and I go to a place better than heaven or humanity revives me and I get to meet the Gods humanity created. Either way, theres nothing to worry about in death.

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xenoview's picture
Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
I have experienced God. So
Jacob's picture
Might I ask to which dominion
Jacob's picture
I don't think future humans
Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
They will want to revive me.
bb3030's picture
You have no idea what your
SBMontero's picture
@GODISSPIRIT30: Why? He said
bb3030's picture
If you read what he is saying
SBMontero's picture
@GODISSPIRIT30: But that is
mykcob4's picture
This is trolling and a CLEAR
bb3030's picture
Good I hope its violating.
jamiebgood1's picture
God is spirit
Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
My time after I experienced
mykcob4's picture
1) I wasn't talking about YOU
SBMontero's picture
@GODISSPIRIT30: But you don't
algebe's picture
@Go dispirit: "He will reveal
watchman's picture
@ Go Disspirit 30....
bb3030's picture
Ya'll all will try to fight
jamiebgood1's picture
God is spirit
algebe's picture
@Godisspirit30: "I won't tell
xenoview's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
I want to see slipknot0129 in
watchman's picture
@ Go Disspirit 30....
bb3030's picture
Didn't I tell you that you
xenoview's picture
Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
I can't wait till technology
watchman's picture
@ Go Disspirit 30....
jamiebgood1's picture
God is spirit
chimp3's picture
Here is why I do not think
Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
Humanity will be like God one


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