To theists, have you ever questioned your god why bad things happened to you?

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Tman127182's picture
I hope you soon realize that
damanar's picture
Those of us who disregard the
Rob's picture
I have always been amused by
Pathway Machine's picture
Rob, it is ridiculous and
Heather's picture
If god is a loving god, why
captinsudan's picture
if there was a god then why
SlowJoe 23's picture
Heather, very powerful words.
Heather's picture
Thank you. And I agree with
mysticrose's picture
When I was a Catholic, I'm
Pathway Machine's picture
No, because my understanding
Spewer's picture
In the story, did the Adam
Pathway Machine's picture
Yes, Adam had been warned.
Spewer's picture
The story distinctly says
Pathway Machine's picture
Spewer's picture
Interesting. What does your
Pathway Machine's picture
From the soil, Yahweh God
Spewer's picture
Thanks. I'm not convinced a


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