The Theory of Evolution

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Spewer's picture
"But, abiogenesis, being the
Shock of God's picture
So, you assume they didn't
Spewer's picture
Natural selection and
Shock of God's picture
Then you believe these
Spewer's picture
No. Natural selection and
Shock of God's picture
So, natural selection and
SammyShazaam's picture
I think you're forgetting how
Shock of God's picture
The majority of extra-solar
Shock of God's picture
I might also add that we ask
samking009's picture
If for one reason I'll accept
Tman127182's picture
you keep saying "God created
Shock of God's picture
If you would like to see me
Samson's picture
This Samking009 looks like a
Trevor's picture
People are always asking,
131's picture
My limited understanding of
Shawn Giraud's picture
Personaly i feel that theists
Will Rose's picture
When I discuss this topic
Tman127182's picture
Indeed theists like to argue
damanar's picture
The main point I try to drive
131's picture
"It's only a theory" is the
mysticrose's picture
I'm a theist, but I believe
SammyShazaam's picture
There was a rather nice play
Shock of God's picture
I, as a Christian, do accept
Spewer's picture
"There are some things that
Shock of God's picture
If anything can be answered
Spewer's picture
"If anything can be answered
Shock of God's picture
And God exists independently
PsychoSarah's picture
Just because we do not
Pathway Machine's picture
During the dark ages in order
Zaphod's picture
What I try to do is look at


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