Thoughts on Buddhism?

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Johnathan Graham's picture
Thoughts on Buddhism?

I asked this questions a while ago but never really had a fulfilling answer that explained their thoughts on the philosophy.
Myself, I've studied Buddhism for extensively 40 hours with a formal teacher of the philosophy. Its rather intriguing and something I consider a good option for people to look at.

Now, I'm not telling anybody to convert. I myself identify as a Buddhist Atheist(Follow the philosophy, 4 Noble Truths/Eightfold path) because of my views and I find studying the religion interesting. But, what I would like to know, is if any of you have studied Buddhist philosophy, practiced meditation etc. When I first started studying religions(I study religions for a hobby, also like learning about them) it was a nice sigh of relief that thankfully, not all "religions"(Buddhism is a philosophy, closest word to the meaning of it, not a religion in the sense of the word, as of following of blind faith towards a supernatural being. So lets refer to it as a "Way of life") that its riddled with crazy shit like virgin birth, its not riddled with hate and just evil. Its a nice philosophical look on things and incredibly interesting.

SO TL;DR 1.What are your thoughts on Buddhism?
2.Do you meditate?
3.Do you think its one of the few okay "religions" left?(I only think Lavey satanism and buddhism are the two "religions" I'd tolerate.), 4.Have you ever read anything about Buddhism?

Thanks for your time you godless heathens!

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cmallen's picture
When I was in my mid teens
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Thanks for sharing your
J.p. Lucas's picture
I like mindful meditation and

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