Time to stand up?

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nttnt's picture
Time to stand up?

The word "atheist" is a taboo in America. Being an atheist is viewed as a bad thing because the US is a relatively religious country. Religion holds a strong grasp in politics, which leads to the dilution of education, especially about evolution.
Atheists running for a position in politics do not state their disbelief in god and following of reason and science out of fear of not being elected. Atheists are reluctant to tell families and friends out of fear of rejection and disownership.
To add to the insensitive behavior of the religious, the US dollar bill is labeled with "In god we trust". Even when citizens pledge allegiance to their country, they must utter the phrase "one nation under god". Everything is nerfed to prevent offense to the faithful, but what about offending the godless? Ladies and gentlemen, it has gone too far. I dream of a world where being an atheist is viewed as the norm and theism is viewed as an obscure minority. The only way for atheism to be accepted is for a snowball effect of atheists openly declaring their disbelief of god and to let fellow disbelievers know that they are not alone.
Once atheism is accepted, the grasp religion has on politics will lessen and evolution will be taught publicly in schools. If every atheist comes out and declares their disbelief, we can make a change. We must stop our fear of rejection or of religious persecution.
We need to stop being so respectful and change the world. If science is to progress, religion must not.
This is the belief of many atheists. For example Richard Dawkins.
I personally believe that we all can make a difference. Don't all of you?

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nttnt's picture
Check this out. It relates
Steve's picture
Love Dusty!
Chuck Rogers's picture
The more statically
Jujube01's picture
What if a council of powerful
Chuck Rogers's picture
Yeah that wouldn't help
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Chuck I still wonder how you
Chuck Rogers's picture
How is telling what God's
efpierce's picture
I am starting to sway towards
Ellie Harris's picture
Chuck Rogers is there
Chuck Rogers's picture
Why would I go back to were I
Lmale's picture
He still here im just
Lmale's picture
Duh you cant find the bones

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