What do I believe? Because I'm not sure

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JAlexG's picture
What do I believe? Because I'm not sure

So, whenever people have asked my religion, I just say I'm not religious. I then usually get a reply related to something like "People who don't believe in God aren't people" but I don't really have an opinion on any gods if that makes sense. I definitely believe in evolution, and do not believe Adam and Eve ever existed. I do not have a problem with people's religions since they're their own person as long as they are OK with my beliefs. However, I am not OK with any religion that either puts humans or other animals in harm (and yes, I know people are animals.) For example, any religion that supports sacrificing any innocent animal human or not. Along with the fact that I believe people have no dominance over any animals and although we do basically "rule the world", we are not "put here" to be better and more important than any animal. Back to a god... I have no opinion on one. I don't prey or anything but I really don't know that to think about any gods. With what I have said above, would I be considered an Atheist? I have no problem with being an Atheist if so but I don't want to call myself something I'm not. I basically want to make sure I know what Atheism is.

P.S. I'm new to the site and this is my first post

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science's picture
"People that don't believe in
JAlexG's picture
Thanks, that makes a lot of
ThePragmatic's picture
Welcome to the forum.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
nice post
JAlexG's picture
That makes a lot of sense,
Pitar's picture
It looks like you've got it
JAlexG's picture
I'll definitely keep that in
ImFree's picture
Welcome to the site! Be
n7natnat's picture
hey, just fyi, it's safe to
Mitch's picture
Santa brought me presents
Johnny Moronic's picture
Atheism is simply a lack of

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