What do you think about believers in god?

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Visic's picture
What do you think about believers in god?

I am new here, i want hear you opinions please comment.



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watchman's picture
Misguided !

Misguided !

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I don't think about

I don't think about "believers in [a god or gods]" unless they get in my face, rape children, deny equality to different sexual orientations, blow up buildings, run amok and stab people, demand no taxes then ask for subsidies.

When they are not doing that then believers are pretty much off my radar. I don't think of crazy people much either.

arakish's picture
Blind, delusional, confused,

Blind, delusional, confused, pretentious, bombastic, assuming, grandiose, pompous, deceiver, perjurer, phony, con artist, inerudite, unlearned, uneducated, inaccurate, imprecise.

I'll let others create their own lists...


toto974's picture
holier than me..., frustrated

holier than me..., frustrated and nevrosed.

Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP Which god?

Re: OP

Which god?

Sapporo's picture
At best, like the supporters

At best, like the supporters of a particular sports team.

xenoview's picture
Believers let religious

Believers let religious leaders think for them.

humblebill's picture
that is not true at all. the

that is not true at all. the bible is right there in front of people even in digital so there is no excuse. Can you reiterate what you exactly mean by that statement. I`m not brain washed nor are my fellow parishoners who i congregate with in church. we have bible studies surprised you didn`t I?, you must of believed that only evangelical christians have bible studies. I know the scriptures well enough to think for myself. And they are in line with what the priest and bishops are teaching.

David Killens's picture
@billy zarcone

@billy zarcone

"I know the scriptures well enough to think for myself. And they are in line with what the priest and bishops are teaching."

No dissent, no debate on details?

When I was learning electrical theory in college, we had long and heated discussions, on a subject we understood and that the physics were sound. And yet we had many interesting debates.

Yet you have none?

And doesn't this concern you?

humblebill's picture
Well i`m not there to debate

Well i`m not there to debate i`m speaking to an altrustic person this is not electrical theory this is not college, it is held these bible studies in the rectory adjoining the church. We are righteous people standouts in our community, The priest and bishops and decons come down a long line from the apostle sea themselves. you see the Roman catholic church has been in succession for 2,000 yeaRS SINCE Peter our first bishop who lived and learned at jesus feet.then past on to the church fathers and eventually to us. i have a cathecism that i follow along with. if i think that a scripture needs clarification or a statement by the priest or the presiding bishops then i politely ask a question with due reverence that is affored a man in his position and authority.

Sky Pilot's picture
billy zarcone,

billy zarcone,

Is the Earth large enough to handle all of those stars that will fall on it?

David Killens's picture
Billy, I am not challenging

Billy, I am not challenging your integrity. I am sure you are a good person, and someone who contributes positively to the community. What concerns me is your obedience to authority and inability to think for yourself with a critical mind.

As for the leaders of your faith, I (and you should too) hold them all accountable for a world wide cover up on child rape that has gone on for too long. I have zero respect for your priests and bishops.

humblebill's picture
yes i have revence and i act

yes i have revence and i act obediently to the man of the cloth.please tell me list if you will where i`m not coherently thinking things comtemplating issues and scripture and the priest and other parishoners comments. I use like i said before the official teaching of the roman Catholic church the cathecism, As for behavior not fir for a man of the cloth you prove to me nothing, it isn`t in my church nor my town where there are quite a number of catholic churches and and thousands of parishioners.When you consider the number of priest and sisters world wide it is a slight minority that you may find fault with. please don`t paint a wrong picture here.

David Killens's picture
@billy zarcone

@billy zarcone

Fuck billy, pull your head out of the sand. All of the leadership in the Roman Catholic church are active participants in a global cover-up about child rape. The pope himself is 100% guilty . The bishops were the ones who did the switching around, and (yes, not all) too many priests were allowed to roam and bugger.

How do you know with 100% certainty that any of the clergy in your neighborhood is not guilty of child rape? We are discussing a very co-ordinated cover-up by one of the most powerful organizations on this globe. Yes, they act nice in public, yes you want to believe they are above such despicable behavior, but all you are going on is your faith.

Sheldon's picture
"I`m not brain washed "

"I`m not brain washed "

I don't think you've a very good grasp of how brainwashing works.

" we have bible studies surprised you didn`t I?,"

Not even slightlysurpeised at that rather obvious fact. However since you're studying the b8bke can you explain why it is demonstrably erroneous on so many basic facts? For instance should a deity with limitless knowledge and power communicateca bronze age creation myth with the most basic facts about the origins and chronology of the universe and the origins of species either demonstrably wrong, or omitted entirely? Did it want us to be fooled into thinking it's message was derived entirely from ignorant bronze age Bedouins?

"I know the scriptures well enough to think for myself. "

Why would you need archaic superstions and myths in order to think for yourself, isn't that something of a contradiction?

"they are in line with what the priest and bishops are teaching."

This doesn't validate them at all, as This sounds like an appeal to authority fallacy to me. It's not as if those bishops priests can demonstrate any objective evidence for their belief in any deity. In fact different religions with different deities all have and have had priests that claim to know their different deity is the real one.

They can't all be right, they can however all be wrong of course. The one thing they all have in common is the fact they can't demonstrate any objective evidence for their deities.

Cognostic's picture
I don't think about them at

I don't think about them at all until a turn a corner of one of them is up in my face. I have a co-worker who tells me about Jesus and she is a very sweet lady whose whole life revolves around religion. She tells me that I need to come to her church. I just thank her and tell her that I am not religious.

I have another office mate (I have two offices in different buildings as I do two different jobs for the university.) He tells me that he believes in God and I do the "Street Epistemology" thing. In 5 years he has moved from the Jesus of the bible to a metaphorical interpretation of everything. He is still a Christian but he no longer discusses apologetics for the existence of god. They have all been shot down. Everything from Pascal's Wager, Argument from Design, First Cause, the whole Bible is the word of God and God is real because the Bible says so crap and even an attempt at Presuppositionalism. I have told him time and time again "The only argument you have is the argument from personal experience. You believe because you want to believe and that is all. Your choice to believe is based on nothing but your own desire to believe. That is not a good reason for me to believe but it really is all you have." I can not prove that he did not have an experience; however, when he asserts the experience is from a God, we can certainly have a discussion about that. And we have had a few. He is a very nice guy and we get along well as office mates. We just do not agree on the existence of magical flying omniscient sky beings.

On other fronts, I love engaging street preachers but generally only when they come up to me. I would not walk by and engage them generally. I have a strong belief in the first amendment. Their right to speak is my right to speak as well. I do not take flyers from their hands. If I am in a hurry and do not have time for them, I will be terse - "Your Jesus never existed." or "I don't believe in ghosts." or "Ancient Iron Age Mythology isn't my thing." Whatever comes to mind. If I have time --- well ---- the fun begins.

Meepwned's picture
I find religious people to be

I find religious people to be victims of a grandiose scam perpetuated for discriminatory and racist reasons. I fault very few of them, because they are unwitting victims.

However, there are those that knowingly deceive others or use their religion to push scams or political discrimination. Those people I do not tolerate.

David Killens's picture
99.99% of them are good

99.99% of them are good people, trying to live a decent life and with intentions in doing the right thing.

But for almost all of them, they have been heavily indoctrinated into believing that there is an invisible and undetectable spiritual world. For many people, breaking out of the rut, thinking critically, and running counter to the community and peer pressure is risky and something new. So most take the safe and warm-and-fuzzy route in just accepting religion and some dude in the sky.

There will always be many more sheep than sheepherders.

Humans are a social animal, and being part of any community is accepting a leader. Generally, we are either the leader type, or we need guidance.

algebe's picture
@Petar: What do you think

@Petar: What do you think about believers in god?

I don't think I ever met any. I've met wishful thinkers in god, dreamers in god, deceivers in god, pretenders in god, profiteers in god, but never real believers.

I guess a believer would be like someone who buys a dollar ticket in the lottery of life and expects to win a million dollars.

Sky Pilot's picture


Are you asking about belief in a specific God such as Zeus, Jupiter, Set, Jealous, Apollo, Venus, Creptius, Lir, etc.? There are thousands of the critters so you need to be specific and use the deity's unique name.

arakish's picture
And another show off...

And another show off...

Which God?

Middle-East: (169)
A, Adad, Adapa, Adrammelech, Aeon, Agasaya, Aglibol, Ahriman, Ahura Mazda, Ahurani, Ai-ada, Al-Lat, Aja, Aka, Alalu, Al-Lat, Amm, Al-Uzza (El-'Ozza or Han-Uzzai), An, Anahita, Anath (Anat), Anatu, Anbay, Anshar, Anu, Anunitu, An-Zu, Apsu, Aqhat, Ararat, Arinna, Asherali, Ashnan, Ashtoreth, Ashur, Astarte, Atar, Athirat, Athtart, Attis, Aya, Baal (Bel), Baalat (Ba'Alat), Baau, Basamum, Beelsamin, Belit-Seri, Beruth, Borak, Broxa, Caelestis, Cassios, Lebanon, Antilebanon, and Brathy, Chaos, Chemosh, Cotys, Cybele, Daena, Daevas, Dagon, Damkina, Dazimus, Derketo, Dhat-Badan, Dilmun, Dumuzi (Du'uzu), Duttur, Ea, El, Endukugga, Enki, Enlil, Ennugi, Eriskegal, Ereshkigal (Allatu), Eshara, Eshmun, Firanak, Fravashi, Gatamdug, Genea, Genos, Gestinanna, Gula, Hadad, Hannahanna, Hatti, Hea, Hiribi, The Houri, Humban, Innana, Ishkur, Ishtar, Ithm, Jamshid or Jamshyd, Jehovah, Jesus, Kabta, Kadi, Kamrusepas, Ki (Kiki), Kingu, Kolpia, Kothar-u-Khasis, Lahar, Marduk, Mari, Meni, Merodach, Misor, Moloch, Mot, Mushdama, Mylitta, Naamah, Nabu (Nebo), Nairyosangha, Nammu, Namtaru, Nanna, Nebo, Nergal, Nidaba, Ninhursag or Nintu, Ninlil, Ninsar, Nintur, Ninurta, Pa, Qadshu, Rapithwin, Resheph (Mikal or Mekal), Rimmon, Sadarnuna, Shahar, Shalim, Shamish, Shapshu, Sheger, Sin, Siris (Sirah), Taautos, Tammuz, Tanit, Taru, Tasimmet, Telipinu, Tiamat, Tishtrya, Tsehub, Utnapishtim, Utu, Wurusemu, Yam, Yarih (Yarikh), Yima, Zaba, Zababa, Zam, Zanahary (Zanaharibe), Zarpandit, Zarathustra, Zatavu, Zazavavindrano, Ziusudra, Zu (Imdugud), Zurvan

China (170):
Ba, Caishen, Chang Fei, Chang Hsien, Chang Pan, Ch'ang Tsai, Chao san-Niang, Chao T'eng-k'ang, Chen Kao, Ch'eng Huang, Cheng San-Kung, Cheng Yuan-ho, Chi Po, Chien-Ti, Chih Jih, Chih Nii, Chih Nu, Ch'ih Sung-tzu, Ching Ling Tzu, Ch'ing Lung, Chin-hua Niang-niang, Chio Yuan-Tzu, Chou Wang, Chu Niao, Chu Ying, Chuang-Mu, Chu-jung, Chun T'i, Ch'ung Ling-yu, Chung Liu, Chung-kuei, Chung-li Ch'üan, Di Jun, Fan K'uei, Fei Lien, Feng Pho-Pho, Fengbo, Fu Hsing, Fu-Hsi, Fu-Pao, Gaomei, Guan Di, Hao Ch'iu, Heng-o, Ho Po (Ping-I), Hou Chi, Hou T'u, Hsi Ling-su, Hsi Shih, Hsi Wang Mu, Hsiao Wu, Hsieh T'ien-chun, Hsien Nung, Hsi-shen, Hsu Ch'ang, Hsuan Wen-hua, Huang Ti, Huang T'ing, Huo Pu, Hu-Shen, Jen An, Jizo Bosatsu, Keng Yen-cheng, King Wan, Ko Hsien-Weng, Kuan Ti, Kuan Ti, Kuei-ku Tzu, Kuo Tzu-i, Lai Cho, Lao Lang, Lei Kung, Lei Tsu, Li Lao-chun, Li Tien, Liu Meng, Liu Pei, Lo Shen, Lo Yu, Lo-Tsu Ta-Hsien, Lu Hsing, Lung Yen, Lu-pan, Ma-Ku, Mang Chin-i, Mang Shen, Mao Meng, Men Shen, Miao Hu, Mi-lo Fo, Ming Shang, Nan-chi Hsien-weng, Niu Wang, Nu Wa, Nu-kua, Pa, Pa Cha, Pai Chung, Pai Liu-Fang, Pai Yu, P'an Niang, P'an-Chin-Lien, Pao Yuan-ch'uan, Phan Ku, P'i Chia-Ma, Pien Ho, San Kuan, Sao-ch'ing Niang, Sarudahiko, Shang Chien, Shang Ti, She chi, Shen Hsui-Chih, Shen Nung, Sheng Mu, Shih Liang, Shiu Fang, Shou-lao, Shun I Fu-jen, Sien-Tsang, Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju, Sun Pin, Sun Ssu-miao, Sung-Chiang, Tan Chu, T'ang Ming Huang, Tao Kung, T'ien Fei, Tien Hou, Tien Mu, Ti-tsang, Tsai Shen, Ts'an Nu, Ts'ang Chien, Tsao Chun, Tsao-Wang, T'shai-Shen, Tung Chun, T'ung Chung-chung, T'ung Lai-yu, Tung Lu, T'ung Ming, Tzu-ku Shen, Wa, Wang Ta-hsien, Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang, Weiwobo, Wen-ch'ang, Wu-tai Yuan-shuai, Xi Hou, Xi Wangmu, Xiu Wenyin, Yanwang, Yaoji, Yen-lo, Yen-Lo-Wang, Yi, Yu, Yu Ch'iang, Yu Huang, Yun-T'ung, Yu-Tzu, Zaoshen, Zhang Xi,, Zhinü,, Zhongguei,, Zigu Shen,, Zisun, Ch'ang-O

Slavic: (125)
Aba-khatun, Aigiarm, Ajysyt, Alkonost, Almoshi, Altan-Telgey, Ama, Anapel, As-ava, Ausaitis, Austeja, Ayt'ar, Baba Yaga (Jezi Baba), Belobog (Belun), Boldogasszony, Breksta, Bugady Musun, Chernobog (Crnobog, Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog), Cinei-new, Colleda (Koliada), Cuvto-ava, Dali, Darzu-mate, Dazhbog, Debena, Devana, Diiwica (Dilwica), Doda (Dodola), Dolya, Dragoni, Dugnai, Dunne Enin, Edji, Elena, Erce, Etugen, Falvara, The Fates, The Fatit, Gabija, Ganiklis, Giltine, Hotogov Mailgan, Hov-ava, Iarila, Isten, Ja-neb'a, Jedza, Joda-mate, Kaldas, Kaltes, Keretkun, Khadau, Khursun (Khors), Kostrubonko, Kovas, Krumine, Kupala, Kupalo, Laima, Leshy, Marina, Marzana, Matergabiae, Mat Syra Zemlya, Medeine, Menu (Menulis), Mir-Susne-Khum, Myesyats, Nastasija, (Russia) Goddess of sleep., Nelaima, Norov, Numi-Tarem, Nyia, Ora, Ot, Patollo, Patrimpas, Pereplut, Perkuno, Perun, Pikuolis, Pilnytis, Piluitus, Potrimpo, Puskaitis, Rod, Rugevit, Rultennin, Rusalki, Sakhadai-Noin, Saule, Semargl, Stribog, Sudjaje, Svantovit (Svantevit, Svitovyd), Svarazic (Svarozic, Svarogich), Tengri, Tñairgin, Triglav, Ulgen (Ulgan, Ülgön), Veles (Volos), Vesna, Xatel-Ekwa, Xoli-Kaltes, Yamm, Yarilo, Yarovit, Ynakhsyt, Zaria, Zeme mate, Zemyna, Ziva (Siva), Zizilia, Zonget, Zorya, Zvoruna, Zvezda Dennitsa, Zywie

Hindu (72):
Aditi, Adityas, Ambika, Ananta (Shesha), Annapurna (Annapatni), Aruna, Ashvins, Balarama, Bhairavi, Brahma, Buddha, Dakini, Devi, Dharma, Dhisana, Durga, Dyaus, Ganesa (Ganesha), Ganga (Ganges), Garuda, Gauri, Gopis, Hanuman, Hari-Hara, Hulka Devi, Jagganath, Jyeshtha, Kama, Karttikeya, Krishna, Krtya, Kubera, Kubjika, Lakshmi or Laksmi, Manasha, Manu, Maya, Meru, Nagas, Nandi, Naraka, Nataraja, Nirriti, Parjanya, Parvati, Paurnamasi, Prithivi, Purusha, Radha, Rati, Ratri, Rudra, Sanjna, Sati, Shashti, Shatala, Sitala (Satala), Skanda, Sunrta, Surya, Svasti-devi, Tvashtar, Uma, Urjani, Vach, Varuna, Vayu, Vishnu (Avatars of Vishnu: Matsya; Kurma; Varaha; Narasinha; Vamana; Parasurama; Rama; Krishna; Buddha; Kalki), Vishvakarman, Yama, Sraddha

Japan (53):
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone, Ama no Uzume, Ama-terasu, Amatsu Mikaboshi, Benten (Benzai-Ten), Bishamon, Chimata-No-Kami, Chup-Kamui, Daikoku, Ebisu, Emma-O, Fudo, Fuji, Fukurokuju, Gekka-O, Hachiman, Hettsui-No-Kami, Ho-Masubi, Hotei, Inari, Izanagi and Izanami, Jizo Bosatsu, Jurojin, Kagutsuchi, Kamado-No-Kami, Kami, Kawa-No-Kami, Kaya-Nu-Hima, Kishijoten, Kishi-Mojin, Kunitokotatchi, Marici, Monju-Bosatsu, Nai-No-Kami, No-Il Ja-Dae, O-Kuni-Nushi, Omoigane, Raiden, Shine-Tsu-Hiko, Shoten, Susa-no-wo, Tajika-no-mikoto, Tsuki-yomi, Uka no Mitanna, Uke-mochi, Uso-dori, Uzume, Wakahirume, Yainato-Hnneno-Mikoi, Yama-No-Kami, Yama-no-Karni, Yaya-Zakurai, Yuki-Onne

India (43)
Agni, Ammavaru, Asuras, Banka-Mundi, Brihaspati, Budhi Pallien, Candi, Challalamma, Chinnintamma, Devas, Dyaush, Gauri-Sankar, Grhadevi, Gujeswari, Indra, Kali, Lohasur Devi, Mayavel, Mitra, Prajapati, Puchan, Purandhi, Rakshas, Rudrani, Rumina, Samundra, Sarasvati, Savitar, Siva (Shiva), Soma, Sura, Surabhi, Tulsi, Ushas, Vata, Visvamitra, Vivasvat, Vritra, Waghai Devi, Yaparamma, Yayu, Zumiang Nui, Diti

Other Asian: (31)
Dewi Shri, Po Yan Dari, Shuzanghu, Antaboga, Yakushi Nyorai, Mulhalmoni, Tankun, Yondung Halmoni, Aryong Jong, Quan Yin, Tengri, Uminai-gami, Kamado-No-Kami, Kunitokotatchi, Giri Devi, Dewi Nawang Sasih, Brag-srin-mo, Samanta-Bhadra, Sangs-rgyas-mkhá, Sengdroma, Sgeg-mo-ma, Tho-og, Ui Tango, Yum-chen-mo, Zas-ster-ma-dmar-mo, Chandra, Dyaus, Ratri, Rodasi, Vayu, Au-Co

African: 250 Gods, Demigods and First Men
Abassi, Abuk, Adu Ogyinae, Agé, Agwe, Aida Wedo, Ajalamo, Aje, Ajok, Akonadi, Akongo, Akuj, Amma, Anansi, Asase Yaa, Ashiakle, Atai, Ayaba, Aziri, Baatsi, Bayanni, Bele Alua, Bomo rambi, Bosumabla, Buk, Buku, Bumba, Bunzi, Buruku, Cagn, Candit, Cghene, Coti, Damballah-Wedo, Dan, Deng, Domfe, Dongo, Edinkira, Efé, Egungun-oya, Eka Abassi, Elephant Girl Mbombe, Emayian, Enekpe, En-Kai, Eseasar, Eshu, Esu, Fa, Faran, Faro, Fatouma, Fidi Mukullu, Fon, Gleti, Gonzuole, Gû, Gua, Gulu, Gunab, Hammadi, Hêbiesso, Iku, Ilankaka, Imana, Iruwa, Isaywa, Juok, Kazooba, Khakaba, Khonvum, Kibuka, Kintu, Lebé, Leza, Libanza, Lituolone, Loko, Marwe, Massim Biambe, Mawu-Lisa (Leza), Mboze, Mebeli, Minepa, Moombi, Mukameiguru, Mukasa, Muluku, Mulungu, Mwambu, Nai, Nambi, Nana Buluku, Nanan-Bouclou, Nenaunir, Ng Ai, Nyaliep, Nyambé, Nyankopon, Nyasaye, Nzame, Oboto, Obumo, Odudua-Orishala, Ogun, Olokun, Olorun, Orisha Nla, Orunmila, Osanyin, Oshe, Osun, Oya, Phebele, Pokot-Suk, Ralubumbha, Rugaba, Ruhanga, Ryangombe, Sagbata, Shagpona, Shango, Sopona, Tano, Thixo, Tilo, Tokoloshi, Tsui, Tsui'goab, Umvelinqangi, Unkulunkulu, Utixo, Wak, Wamara, Wantu Su, Wele, Were, Woto, Xevioso, Yangombi, Yemonja, Ymoa, Ymoja, Yoruba, Zambi, Zanahary, Zinkibaru

Australian: 93 Gods, Goddesses and Places in the Dreamtime
Alinga, Anjea, Apunga, Arahuta, Ariki, Arohirohi, Bamapana, Banaitja, Bara, Barraiya, Biame, Bila, Boaliri, Bobbi-bobbi, Bunbulama, Bunjil, Cunnembeille, Daramulum, Dilga, Djanggawul Sisters, Eingana, Erathipa, Gidja, Gnowee, Haumia, Hine Titama, Ingridi, Julana, Julunggul, Junkgowa, Karora, Kunapipi-Kalwadi-Kadjara, Lia, Madalait, Makara, Nabudi, Palpinkalare, Papa, Rangi, Rongo, Tane, Tangaroa, Tawhiri-ma-tea, Tomituka, Tu, Ungamilia, Walo, Waramurungundi, Wati Kutjarra, Wawalag Sisters, Wuluwaid, Wuragag, Wuriupranili, Wurrunna, Yhi

Buddhism: 10 Gods and Relatives of God
Aizen-Myoo, Ajima,Dai-itoku-Myoo, Fudo-Myoo, Gozanze-Myoo, Gundari-Myoo, Hariti, Kongo-Myoo, Kujaku-Myoo, Ni-O

Carribean: 62 Gods, Monsters and Vodun Spirits
Agaman Nibo, Agwe, Agweta, Ah Uaynih, Aida Wedo, Atabei, Ayida, Ayizan, Azacca, Baron Samedi, Ulrich, Ellegua, Ogun, Ochosi, Chango, Itaba, Amelia, Christalline, Clairmé, Clairmeziné, Coatrischie, Damballah, Emanjah, Erzuli, Erzulie, Ezili, Ghede, Guabancex, Guabonito, Guamaonocon, Imanje, Karous, Laloue-diji, Legba, Loa, Loco, Maitresse Amelia, Mapiangueh, Marie-aimée, Marinette, Mombu, Marassa, Nana Buruku, Oba, Obtala, Ochu, Ochumare, Oddudua, Ogoun, Olokum, Olosa, Oshun, Oya, Philomena, Sirêne, The Diablesse, Itaba, Tsilah, Ursule, Vierge, Yemaya, Zaka

Celtic: 166 Gods, Goddesses, Divine Kings and Pagan Saints
Abarta, Abna, Abnoba, Aine, Airetech,Akonadi, Amaethon, Ameathon, An Cailleach, Andraste, Antenociticus, Aranrhod, Arawn, Arianrod, Artio, Badb,Balor, Banbha, Becuma, Belatucadros, Belatu-Cadros, Belenus, Beli,Belimawr, Belinus, Bendigeidfran, Bile, Blathnat, Blodeuwedd, Boann, Bodus,Bormanus, Borvo, Bran, Branwen, Bres, Brigid, Brigit, Caridwen, Carpantus,Cathbadh, Cecht, Cernach, Cernunnos, Cliodna, Cocidius, Conchobar, Condatis, Cormac,Coronus,Cosunea, Coventina, Crarus,Creidhne, Creirwy, Cu Chulainn, Cu roi, Cuda, Cuill,Cyhiraeth,Dagda, Damona, Dana, Danu, D'Aulnoy,Dea Artio, Deirdre, Dewi, Dian, Diancecht, Dis Pater, Donn, Dwyn, Dylan, Dywel,Efnisien, Elatha, Epona, Eriu, Esos, Esus, Eurymedon,Fedelma, Fergus, Finn, Fodla, Goewyn, Gog, Goibhniu, Govannon, Grainne, Greine,Gwydion, Gwynn ap Nudd, Herne, Hu'Gadarn, Keltoi,Keridwen, Kernunnos,Ler, Lir, Lleu Llaw Gyffes, Lludd, Llyr, Llywy, Luchta, Lug, Lugh,Lugus, Mabinogion,Mabon, Mac Da Tho, Macha, Magog, Manannan, Manawydan, Maponos, Math, Math Ap Mathonwy, Medb, Moccos,Modron, Mogons, Morrig, Morrigan, Nabon,Nantosuelta, Naoise, Nechtan, Nedoledius,Nehalennia, Nemhain, Net, Nisien, Nodens, Noisi, Nuada, Nwywre,Oengus, Ogma, Ogmios, Oisin, Pach,Partholon, Penard Dun, Pryderi, Pwyll, Rhiannon, Rosmerta, Samhain, Segidaiacus, Sirona, Sucellus, Sulis, Taliesin, Taranis, Teutates, The Horned One, The Hunt, Treveni,Tyne, Urien, Ursula of the Silver Host, Vellaunus, Vitiris, White Lady

Egyptian: 85 Gods, Gods Incarnate and Personified Divine Forces:
Amaunet, Amen, Amon, Amun, Anat, Anqet, Antaios, Anubis, Anuket, Apep, Apis, Astarte, Aten, Aton, Atum, Bastet, Bat, Buto, Duamutef, Duamutef, Hapi, Har-pa-khered, Hathor, Hauhet, Heket, Horus, Huh, Imset, Isis, Kauket, Kebechsenef, Khensu, Khepri, Khnemu, Khnum, Khonsu, Kuk, Maahes, Ma'at, Mehen, Meretseger, Min, Mnewer, Mut, Naunet, Nefertem, Neith, Nekhbet, Nephthys, Nun, Nut, Osiris, Ptah, Ra, Re, Renenet, Sakhmet, Satet, Seb, Seker, Sekhmet, Serapis, Serket, Set, Seth, Shai, Shu, Shu, Sia, Sobek, Sokar, Tefnut, Tem, Thoth

Hellenes (Greek) Tradition (540 Gods, Demigods, Divine Bastards)
Acidalia, Aello, Aesculapius, Agathe, Agdistis, Ageleia, Aglauros, Agne, Agoraia, Agreia, Agreie, Agreiphontes, Agreus, Agrios, Agrotera, Aguieus, Aidoneus, Aigiokhos, Aigletes, Aigobolos, Ainia,Ainippe, Aithuia, Akesios, Akraia, Aktaios, Alalkomene, Alasiotas, Alcibie, Alcinoe, Alcippe, Alcis,Alea, Alexikakos, Aligena, Aliterios, Alkaia, Amaltheia, Ambidexter, Ambologera, Amynomene,Anaduomene, Anaea, Anax, Anaxilea, Androdameia, Andromache, Andromeda, Androphonos, Anosia, Antandre,Antania, Antheus, Anthroporraistes, Antianara, Antianeira, Antibrote, Antimache, Antimachos, Antiope,Antiopeia, Aoide, Apatouria, Aphneius, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apotropaios, Areia, Areia, Areion, Areopagite, Ares, Areto, Areximacha, Argus, Aridnus,Aristaios, Aristomache, Arkhegetes, Arktos, Arretos, Arsenothelys, Artemis, Asclepius, Asklepios, Aspheleios, Asteria, Astraeos, Athene, Auxites, Avaris, Axios, Axios Tauros,Bakcheios, Bakchos, Basileus, Basilis, Bassareus, Bauros, Boophis, Boreas, Botryophoros, Boukeros, Boulaia, Boulaios, Bremusa,Bromios, Byblis,Bythios, Caliope, Cedreatis, Celaneo, centaur, Cerberus, Charidotes, Charybdis, Chimera, Chloe, Chloris, Choreutes, Choroplekes, Chthonios, Clete, Clio, clotho,Clyemne, cockatrice, Crataeis, Custos, Cybebe, Cybele, Cyclops, Daphnaia, Daphnephoros, Deianeira, Deinomache, Delia, Delios, Delphic, Delphinios, Demeter, Dendrites, Derimacheia,Derinoe, Despoina, Dikerotes, Dimeter, Dimorphos, Dindymene, Dioktoros, Dionysos, Discordia, Dissotokos, Dithyrambos, Doris, Dryope,Echephyle,Echidna, Eiraphiotes, Ekstatophoros, Eleemon, Eleuthereus, Eleutherios, Ennosigaios, Enodia, Enodios, Enoplios, Enorches, Enualios, Eos, Epaine, Epidotes, Epikourios, Epipontia, Epitragidia, Epitumbidia, Erato, Ergane, Eribromios, Erigdoupos, Erinus, Eriobea, Eriounios, Eriphos, Eris, Eros, Euanthes, Euaster, Eubouleus, Euboulos, Euios, Eukhaitos, Eukleia, Eukles, Eumache, Eunemos, Euplois, Euros, Eurybe,Euryleia, Euterpe, Fates, Fortuna, Gaia, Gaieokhos, Galea, Gamelia, Gamelios, Gamostolos, Genetor, Genetullis, Geryon, Gethosynos, giants, Gigantophonos, Glaukopis, Gorgons, Gorgopis, Graiae, griffin, Gynaikothoinas, Gynnis, Hagisilaos, Hagnos, Haides, Harmothoe, harpy, Hegemone, Hegemonios, Hekate, Hekatos, Helios, Hellotis, Hephaistia, Hephaistos, Hera, Heraios, Herakles, Herkeios, Hermes, Heros Theos, Hersos, Hestia, Heteira, Hiksios, Hipp, Hippia, Hippios, Hippoi Athanatoi, Hippolyte, Hippolyte II, Hippomache, Hippothoe, Horkos, Hugieia, Hupatos, Hydra, Hypate, Hyperborean, Hypsipyle, Hypsistos, Iakchos, Iatros, Idaia, Invictus, Iphito,Ismenios, Ismenus,Itonia, Kabeiria, Kabeiroi, Kakia, Kallinikos, Kallipugos, Kallisti, Kappotas, Karneios, Karpophoros, Karytis, Kataibates, Katakhthonios, Kathatsios, Keladeine, Keraunos, Kerykes, Khalinitis, Khalkioikos, Kharmon, Khera, Khloe, Khlori,Khloris,Khruse, Khthonia, Khthonios, Kidaria, Kissobryos, Kissokomes, Kissos, Kitharodos, Kleidouchos, Kleoptoleme, Klymenos, Kore, Koruthalia, Korymbophoros, Kourotrophos, Kranaia, Kranaios, Krataiis, Kreousa, Kretogenes, Kriophoros, Kronides, Kronos,Kryphios, Ktesios, Kubebe, Kupris, Kuprogenes, Kurotrophos, Kuthereia, Kybele, Kydoime,Kynthia, Kyrios, Ladon, Lakinia, Lamia, Lampter, Laodoke, Laphria, Lenaios, Leukatas, Leukatas, Leukolenos, Leukophruene, Liknites, Limenia, Limnaios, Limnatis, Logios, Lokhia, Lousia, Loxias, Lukaios, Lukeios, Lyaios, Lygodesma, Lykopis, Lyseus, Lysippe, Maimaktes, Mainomenos, Majestas, Makar, Maleatas, Manikos, Mantis, Marpe, Marpesia, Medusa, Megale, Meilikhios, Melaina, Melainis, Melanaigis, Melanippe,Melete, Melousa, Melpomene, Melqart, Meses, Mimnousa, Minotaur, Mneme, Molpadia,Monogenes, Morpho, Morychos, Musagates, Musagetes, Nebrodes, Nephelegereta, Nereus,Nete, Nike, Nikephoros, Nomios, Nomius, Notos, Nyktelios, Nyktipolos, Nympheuomene, Nysios, Oiketor, Okyale, Okypous, Olumpios, Omadios, Ombrios, Orithia,Orius,Ortheia, Orthos, Ourania, Ourios, Paelemona, Paian, Pais, Palaios, Pallas, Pan Megas, Panakhais, Pandemos, Pandrosos, Pantariste, Parthenos, PAsianax, Pasiphaessa, Pater, Pater, Patroo s, Pegasus, Pelagia, Penthesilea, Perikionios, Persephone, Petraios, Phanes, Phanter, Phatria, Philios, Philippis, Philomeides, Phoebe, Phoebus, Phoenix, Phoibos, Phosphoros, Phratrios, Phutalmios, Physis, Pisto, Plouton, Polemusa,Poliakhos, Polias, Polieus, Polumetis, Polydektes, Polygethes, Polymnia, Polymorphos, Polyonomos, Porne, Poseidon, Potnia Khaos, Potnia Pheron, Promakhos, Pronoia, Propulaios, Propylaia, Proserpine, Prothoe, Protogonos, Prytaneia, Psychopompos, Puronia, Puthios, Pyrgomache, Python, Rhea, Sabazios, Salpinx, satyr, Saxanus, Scyleia, Scylla, Sirens, Skeptouchos, Smintheus, Sophia, Sosipolis, Soter, Soteria, Sphinx, Staphylos, Sthenias, Sthenios, Strife, Summakhia, Sykites, Syzygia, Tallaios, Taureos, Taurokeros, Taurophagos, Tauropolos, Tauropon, Tecmessa, Teisipyte, Teleios, Telepyleia,Teletarches, Terpsichore, Thalestris, Thalia, The Dioskouroi, Theos, Theritas, Thermodosa, Thraso, Thyonidas, Thyrsophoros, Tmolene, Toxaris, Toxis, Toxophile,Trevia, Tricephalus, Trieterikos, Trigonos, Trismegestos, Tritogeneia, Tropaios, Trophonius,Tumborukhos, Tyche, Typhon, Urania, Valasca, Xanthippe, Xenios, Zagreus, Zathos, Zephryos, Zeus, Zeus Katakhthonios, Zoophoros

Native American: 711 Gods, Heroes, and Anthropomorphized Facets of Nature
Aakuluujjusi, Ab Kin zoc, Abaangui, Ababinili, Ac Yanto, Acan, Acat, Achiyalatopa, Acna, Acolmiztli, Acolnahuacatl, Acuecucyoticihuati, Adamisil Wedo, Adaox, Adekagagwaa, Adlet, Adlivun, Agloolik, Aguara, Ah Bolom Tzacab, Ah Cancum, Ah Chun Caan, Ah Chuy Kak, Ah Ciliz, Ah Cun Can, Ah Cuxtal, Ah hulneb, Ah Kin, Ah Kumix Uinicob, Ah Mun, Ah Muzencab, Ah Patnar Uinicob, Ah Peku, Ah Puch, Ah Tabai, Ah UincirDz'acab, Ah Uuc Ticab, Ah Wink-ir Masa, Ahau Chamahez, Ahau-Kin, Ahmakiq, Ahnt Alis Pok', Ahnt Kai', Aholi, Ahsonnutli, Ahuic, Ahulane, Aiauh, Aipaloovik, Ajbit, Ajilee, Ajtzak, Akbaalia, Akba-atatdia, Akhlut, Akhushtal, Akna, Akycha, Alaghom Naom Tzentel, Albino Spirit animals, Alektca, Alignak, Allanque, Allowat Sakima, Alom, Alowatsakima, Amaguq, Amala, Amimitl, Amitolane, Amotken, Andaokut, Andiciopec, Anerneq, Anetlacualtiliztli, Angalkuq, Angpetu Wi, Anguta, Angwusnasomtaka, Ani Hyuntikwalaski, Animal spirits, Aningan, Aniwye, Anog Ite, Anpao, Apanuugak, Apicilnic, Apikunni, Apotamkin, Apoyan Tachi, Apozanolotl, Apu Punchau, Aqalax, Arendiwane, Arnakua'gsak, Asdiwal, Asgaya Gigagei, Asiaq, Asin, Asintmah, Atacokai, Atahensic, Aticpac Calqui Cihuatl, Atira, Atisokan, Atius Tirawa, Atl, Atlacamani, Atlacoya, Atlatonin, Atlaua, Atshen, Auilix, Aulanerk, Aumanil, Aunggaak, Aunt Nancy, Awaeh Yegendji, Awakkule, Awitelin Tsta, Awonawilona, Ayauhteotl, Azeban, Baaxpee, Bacabs, Backlum Chaam, Bagucks, Bakbakwalanooksiwae, Balam, Baldhead, Basamacha, Basket Woman, Bead Spitter, Bear, Bear Medicine Woman, Bear Woman, Beaver, Beaver Doctor, Big Heads, Big Man Eater, Big Tail, Big Twisted Flute, Bikeh hozho, Bitol, Black Hactcin, Black Tamanous, Blind Boy, Blind Man, Blood Clot Boy, Bloody Hand, Blue-Jay, Bmola, Bolontiku, Breathmaker, Buffalo, Buluc Chabtan, Burnt Belly, Burnt Face, Butterfly, Cabaguil, Cacoch, Cajolom, Cakulha, Camaxtli, Camozotz, Cannibal Grandmother, Cannibal Woman, Canotila, Capa, Caprakan, Ca-the-ña, Cauac, Centeotl, Centzonuitznaua, Cetan, Chac Uayab Xoc, Chac, Chahnameed, Chakwaina Okya, Chalchihuitlicue, Chalchiuhtlatonal, Chalchiutotolin, Chalmecacihuilt, Chalmecatl, Chamer, Changing Bear Woman, Changing Woman, Chantico, Chaob, Charred Body, Chepi, Chibiabos, Chibirias, Chiccan, Chicomecoatl, Chicomexochtli, Chiconahui, Chiconahuiehecatl, Chie, Child-Born-in-Jug, Chirakan, Chulyen, Cihuacoatl, Cin-an-ev, Cinteotl, Cipactli, Cirapé, Cit Chac Coh, Cit-Bolon-Tum, Citlalatonac, Citlalicue, Ciucoatl, Ciuteoteo, Cizin, Cliff ogre, Coatlicue, Cochimetl, Cocijo, Colel Cab, Colop U Uichkin, Copil, Coyolxauhqui, Coyopa, Coyote, Cripple Boy, Crow, Crow Woman, Cum hau, Cunawabi, Dagwanoenyent, Dahdahwat, Daldal, Deohako, Dhol, Diyin dine, Djien, Djigonasee, Dohkwibuhch, Dzalarhons, Dzalarhons, Eagentci, Eagle, Earth Shaman, Eeyeekalduk, Ehecatl, Ehlaumel, Eithinoha, Ekchuah, Enumclaw, Eototo, Esaugetuh Emissee, Esceheman, Eschetewuarha, Estanatlehi, Estasanatlehi, Estsanatlehi, Evaki, Evening Star, Ewah, Ewauna, Face, Faces of the Forests, False Faces, Famine, Fastachee, Fire Dogs, First Creator, First Man and First Woman, First Scolder, Flint Man, Flood, Flower Woman, Foot Stuck Child, Ga'an, Ga-gaah, Gahe, Galokwudzuwis, Gaoh, Gawaunduk, Geezhigo-Quae, Gendenwitha, Genetaska, Ghanan, Gitche Manitou, Glispa, Glooskap, Gluscabi, Gluskab, Gluskap, Godasiyo, Gohone, Great Seahouse, Greenmantle, Gucumatz, Gukumatz, Gunnodoyak, Gyhldeptis, Ha Wen Neyu, Hacauitz, Hacha'kyum, Hagondes, Hahgwehdiyu, Hamatsa, Hamedicu, Hanghepi Wi, Hantceiitehi, Haokah, Hastseoltoi, Hastshehogan, He'mask.as, Hen, Heyoka, Hiawatha, Hino, Hisakitaimisi, Hokhokw, Hotoru, Huehuecoyotl, Huehueteotl, Huitaca, Huitzilopochtli, Huixtocihuatl, Hummingbird, Hun hunahpu, Hun Pic Tok, Hunab Ku, Hunahpu Utiu, Hunahpu, Hunahpu-Gutch, Hunhau, Hurakan, Iatiku And Nautsiti, Ich-kanava, Ictinike, Idliragijenget, Idlirvirisong, Igaluk, Ignirtoq, Ikanam, Iktomi, Ilamatecuhtli, Illapa, Ilya p'a, i'noGo tied, Inti, Inua, Ioskeha, Ipalnemohuani, Isakakate, Ishigaq, Isitoq, Issitoq, Ite, Itzamná, Itzananohk`u, Itzlacoliuhque, Itzli, Itzpapalotl, Ix Chebel Yax, Ixbalanque, Ixchel, Ixchup, Ixmucane, Ixpiyacoc, Ixtab, Ixtlilton, Ixtubtin, Ixzaluoh, Iya, Iyatiku, Iztaccihuatl, Iztacmixcohuatl, Jaguar Night, Jaguar Quitze, Jogah, Kaakwha, Kabun, Kabun, Kachinas, Kadlu, Ka-Ha-Si, Ka-Ha-Si, Kaik, Kaiti, Kan, Kana'ti and Selu, Kanati, Kan-u-Uayeyab, Kan-xib-yui, Kapoonis, Katsinas, Keelut, Ketchimanetowa, Ketq Skwaye, Kianto, Kigatilik, Kilya, K'in, Kinich Ahau, Kinich Kakmo, Kishelemukong, Kisin, Kitcki Manitou, Kmukamch, Kokopelli, Ko'lok, Kukulcan, Kushapatshikan, Kutni, Kutya'I, Kwakwakalanooksiwae,Kwatee, Kwekwaxa'we, Kwikumat, Kyoi, Lagua, Land Otter People, Lawalawa, Logobola, Loha, Lone Man, Long Nose, Loon, Loon Medicine, Loon Woman, Loo-wit, Macaw Woman, Macuilxochitl, Maho Peneta, Mahucutah, Makenaima, Malesk, Malina, Malinalxochi, Malsum, Malsumis, Mam, Mama Cocha, Man in moon, Manabozho, Manetuwak, Mani'to, Manitou, Mannegishi, Manu, Masaya, Masewi, Master of Life, Master Of Winds, Matshishkapeu, Mavutsinim, Mayahuel, Medeoulin, Mekala, Menahka, Meteinuwak, Metztli, Mexitl, Michabo, Mictecacihuatl, Mictlan, Mictlantecuhtli, Mikchich, Mikumwesu, Mitnal, Mixcoatl, Mongwi Kachinum, Morning Star, Motho and Mungo, Mulac, Muut, Muyingwa, Nacon, Nagenatzani, Nagi Tanka, Nagual, Nahual, Nakawé, Nanabojo, Nanabozho, Nanabush, Nanahuatzin, Nanautzin, Nanih Waiya, Nankil'slas, Nanook, Naum, Negafook, Nerrivik, Nesaru, Nianque, Nishanu, Nohochacyum, Nokomis, Nootaikok, North Star, Nujalik, Nukatem, Nunne Chaha, Ocasta, Ockabewis, Odzihozo, Ohtas, Oklatabashih, Old Man, Olelbis, Omacatl, Omecihuatl, Ometecuhtli, Onatha, One Tail of Clear Hair, Oonawieh Unggi, Opochtli, Oshadagea, Owl Woman, Pah, Pah, Paiowa, Pakrokitat, Pana, Patecatl, Pautiwa, Paynal, Pemtemweha, Piasa, PikvÁhahirak, Pinga, Pomola, Pot-tilter, Prairie Falcon, Ptehehincalasanwin, Pukkeenegak, Qaholom, Qakma, Qiqirn, Quaoar, Quetzalcoatl, Qumu, Quootis-hooi, Rabbit, Ragno, Raven, Raw Gums, Rukko, Sagamores, Sagapgia, Sanopi, Saynday, Sedna, Selu, Shakuru, Sharkura, Shilup Chito Osh, Shrimp house, Sila, Sint Holo, Sio humis, Sisiutl, Skan, Snallygaster, Sosondowah, South Star, Spider Woman, Sta-au, Stonecoats, Sun, Sungrey, Ta Tanka, Tabaldak, Taime, Taiowa, Talocan, Tans, Taqwus, Tarhuhyiawahku, Tarquiup Inua, Tate, Tawa, Tawiscara, Ta'xet, Tcisaki, Tecciztecatl, Tekkeitserktock, Tekkeitsertok, Telmekic, Teoyaomqui, Tepeu, Tepeyollotl, Teteoinnan, Tezcatlipoca, Thobadestchin, Thoume', Thunder, Thunder Bird, Tieholtsodi, Tihtipihin, Tirawa, Tirawa Atius, Tlacolotl, Tlahuixcalpantecuhtli, Tlaloc, Tlaltecuhtli, Tlauixcalpantecuhtli, Tlazolteotl, Tohil, Tokpela,Tonantzin, Tonatiuh, To'nenile, Tonenili, Tootega, Torngasak, Torngasoak, Trickster/Transformer, True jaguar, Tsentsa, Tsichtinako, Tsohanoai Tsonoqwa, Tsul 'Kalu, Tulugaak, Tumas, Tunkan ingan, Turquoise Boy, Twin Thunder Boys, Txamsem, Tzakol, Tzitzimime, Uazzale, Uchtsiti, Udó, Uentshukumishiteu, Ueuecoyotl, Ugly Way, Ugni, Uhepono, Uitzilopochtli, Ukat, Underwater Panthers, Unhcegila, Unipkaat, Unk, Unktomi, Untunktahe, Urcaguary, Utea, Uwashil, Vassagijik, Voltan, Wabosso, Wabun, Wachabe, Wah-Kah-Nee, Wakan, Wakanda, Wakan-Tanka, Wakinyan, Wan niomi, Wanagi, Wananikwe, Watavinewa, Water babies, Waukheon, We-gyet, Wemicus, Wendigo, Wentshukumishiteu, White Buffalo Woman, Whope, Wi, Wicahmunga, Wihmunga, Windigo, Winonah, Wisagatcak, Wisagatcak, Wishpoosh, Wiyot, Wovoka, Wuya, Xaman Ek, Xelas, Xibalba, Xilonen, Xipe Totec, Xiuhcoatl, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xiuhtecutli, Xmucane, Xochipili, Xochiquetzal, Xocotl, Xolotl, Xpiyacoc, Xpuch And Xtah, Yacatecuhtli, Yaluk, Yanauluha, Ya-o-gah, Yeba Ka, Yebaad, Yehl, Yeitso, Yiacatecuhtli, Yolkai Estsan, Yoskeha, Yum Kaax, Yuwipi, Zaramama, Zipaltonal, Zotz

Norse, 111 Deities, Giants and Monsters:
Aegir, Aesir, Alfrigg, Audumbla, Aurgelmir, Balder, Berchta, Bergelmir, Bor, Bragi, Brisings, Buri, Etin, Fenris, Forseti, Frey, Freyja, Frigga, Gefion, Gerda, Gode, Gymir, Harke, Heimdall, Hel, Hermod, Hodur, Holda, Holle, Honir, Hymir, Idun, Jormungandr, Ljolsalfs, Loki, Magni, Mimir, Mistarblindi, Muspel, Nanna, Nanni, Nerthus, Njord, Norns, Odin, Perchta, Ran, Rig, Segyn, Sif, Skadi, Skirnir, Skuld, Sleipnir, Surt, Svadilfari, tanngniotr, tanngrisnr, Thiassi, Thor, Thrud, Thrudgelmir, Thrym, Thurs, Tyr, Uller, Urd, Vali, Vali, Valkyries, Vanir, Ve, Verdandi, Vidar, Wode, Ymir

Pacific islands: 99 Deities, Demigods and Immortal Monsters:
Abeguwo, Abere, Adaro, Afekan, Ai Tupua'i, 'Aiaru, Ala Muki, Alalahe, Alii Menehune, Aluluei, Aruaka, Asin, Atanea, Audjal, Aumakua, Babamik, Bakoa, Barong, Batara Kala, Buring Une, Darago, Dayang-Raca, De Ai, Dogai, Enda Semangko, Faumea, Giriputri, Goga, Haumea, Hiiaka', Hina, Hine, Hoa-Tapu, 'Imoa, Io, Kanaloa, Kanaloa, Kane, Kapo, Kava, Konori, Ku, Kuhuluhulumanu, Kuklikimoku, Kukoae, Ku'ula, Laka, Laulaati, Lono, Mahiuki, MakeMake, Marruni, Maru, Maui, Melu, Menehune, Moeuhane, MOO-LAU, Ndauthina, Ne Te-reere, Nevinbimbaau, Ngendei, Nobu, Oro, Ove, Paka'a, Papa, Pele, Quat, Rangi, Rati, Rati-mbati-ndua, Ratu-Mai-Mbula, Rua, Ruahatu, Saning Sri, Ta'aroa, Taaroa, Tamakaia, Tane, Tanemahuta, Tangaroa, Tawhaki, Tiki, Tinirau, Tu, Tuli, Turi-a-faumea, Uira, Ukupanipo, Ulupoka, Umboko Indra, Vanuatu, Wahini-Hal, Walutahanga, Wari-Ma-Te-Takere, Whaitiri, Whatu, Wigan

South American: 53 Deities, Demigods, Beings of Divine Substance:
Abaangui, Aclla, Akewa, Asima Si, Atoja, Auchimalgen, Axomama, Bachué, Beru, Bochica, Boiuna, Calounger, Catequil, Cavillaca, Ceiuci, Chasca, Chie, Cocomama, Gaumansuri, Huitaca, Iae, Ilyap'a, Ina, Inti, Ituana, Jamaina, Jandira, Jarina, Jubbu-jang-sangne, Ka-ata-killa, Kilya, Kuat, Kun, Luandinha, Lupi, Mama Allpa, Mama Quilla, Mamacocha, Manco Capac, Maret-Jikky, Maretkhmakniam, Mariana, Oshossi, Pachamac, Pachamama, Perimbó, Rainha Barba, Si, Supai, Topétine, Viracocha, Yemanja (Imanje), Zume Topana

“Why do you believe in your god and not any of these thousands of now-dead gods? Could it be simply because of the circumstances of your birth? Does the absolute truth depend on where you are born?” (Graveyard of the Gods).

As Ricky Gervais said, “Tell me the reason why you do not believe in all the other gods that have existed, and you have just answered your question as to why I do not believe in your god.”


toto974's picture
@arakish, did you type all of

@arakish, did you type all of this the firts time, or did you use some software?

Grinseed's picture
I do believe Arakish is

I do believe Arakish is having a serious attempt at brevity here. Such restaint!

arakish's picture
@ Grinseed

@ Grinseed


What can I say. I am a man of such few words...


AUS-LGBT's picture
Tbh religion scares me. I don

Tbh religion scares me. I don't think ill of believers, my closest friend is a very strong believer herself, but just what people do with it bothers me. Most of the time, well at least what I've seen, believers spend their time making up arguments around different aspects of the religion to justify or make sense of things. For instance something Ben Shapiro said and was parodied in Darkmatter2525's recent video (since you're new you probably don't know him, I really recommend you check him out) was that the bible was targeted to a specific people at a specific time and the ethics of the bible are supposed to be that which can be accomplished by those people that are without the same education and scientific knowledge. This is excusing the barbaric rules in the bible. There are so many rules to follow on what the right way to act is and many of them are pretty bad. For instance in Deuteronomy 22:23-24 it talks about the right course of action is to stone both the man and the woman for rape in the city but because she did not cry out she has to die too. Like the man could cover her mouth, people might not have heard and people might of heard but not want to be involved and therefore she has no witness to her crying out for rape. These situations aren't talked about in the bible and for an omniscient being having created this it's gotta make you wonder why. We live in a peaceful society now but there's no reason for it not to change. I mean marital rape was only illegal in 1993, and religious views on the position of women had much to do with the length of time that it took. My point is, atleast for the bit on Deuteronomy 22:23-24, it was at one point common place to have views that harmed people, based on the bible, the last thing I want to see is someone justifying what it says and potentially leading to it being common place once again. So to sum up, and sorry I went of track from your question I just wanted to say, I think religion without limitations and laws placed to restrict it is bad, the people are okay but I don't think they understand the harm they could do to society and themselves by seeing the horrendous things the bible says and then coming up with arguments to excuse it.

arakish's picture
@ Miss AUS

@ Miss AUS

***tree standing tall with branches rustling like cheerleader pom-poms***

Bravo! Bravo! You go girl!


humblebill's picture
Well i am a Roman catholic

Well i am a Roman catholic christian and i adhere to the complete revelation from gods mighty word. the reason why where having moral failing in many homes and peoples lives is that they don`t want to conform to the teaching of the bible. and i can be specefic if you want to. My religion harms no one it is a religion from Jesus christ himself and that is total pure LOVE.just read johns gospel.

David Killens's picture
@billy zarcone

@billy zarcone

"the reason why where having moral failing in many homes and peoples lives is that they don`t want to conform to the teaching of the bible. and i can be specefic if you want to."

Like the crime statistics? Like the basic fact that theists have more crime and moral failings than atheists?

toto974's picture
There are a lot of books in

There are a lot of books in the bible, what's your point?

Sky Pilot's picture
billy zarcone,

billy zarcone,

"My religion harms no one it is a religion from Jesus christ himself and that is total pure LOVE."

The Jesus character was an intolerant bigot who wanted people to go to hell.

As it says in Mark 4:10-12 (RSVCE) = "10 And when he was alone, those who were about him with the twelve asked him concerning the parables. 11 And he said to them, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables; 12 so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand; lest they should turn again, and be forgiven.”

http://www.bricktestament.com/the_parables_of_jesus/use_of_parables_expl... 5 pictures


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