What is reality?

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Shounak Bhattacharya's picture
What is reality?

Has any one thought of religion on the basis of neurological point? i mean it all has to do with our brain. be it religion be it patriotism be it what ever. How do we even know the very perceptions we have about the way we live are real? Like my mother tongue is my mother tongue not because i was born speaking in it.. but rather my 1st means of communication to other humans. So it is something i learned.
My point here being when ever we talk of a something we believe or accept as a ultimatum , we keep a very simple hidden assumption our human scenes are perfect or absolute. but what if our very cognition system is the source of this problem?
what if our very idea of reality is flawed ? like the idea of Xray is a myth if we assume our eyes can see the whole of electromagnetic wave spectrum.
But we all know how bad our eyes are and hence we rely on instruments that are vastly superior to our eyes and scenes.

I am a mechanical engineer by profession. So if any one could explain it in details it would be helpful.

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Travis Hedglin's picture
I am pretty sure I responded
Brandon Titus's picture
Every person's reality is
Conan's picture
Perceptible reality is
Kataclismic's picture
Isn't it common knowledge?
ThePragmatic's picture
The virgin Mary? I just keep


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