What would you do?

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Tman127182's picture
What would you do?

What would you do if you see someone preach hate in a train or any public transportation or location? Would you let them preach or say something back?

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Rob's picture
I have seen countless people
James's picture
I have a short fuse for this
VinnieIlDuce's picture
To keep from making a serious
Tman127182's picture
What if someone was preaching
SammyShazaam's picture
that's a great video, thanks
Trevor's picture
Anyone who preaches religious
mysticrose's picture
I won't waste my time
fallout13's picture
I wouldnt waste my time. I
dtommy79's picture
You can't really have a
samking009's picture
Its a total waste of time and
rider's picture
I would just keep quiet. That
SammyShazaam's picture
That's a tough question for
mysticrose's picture
Some of these people also
SammyShazaam's picture
Lol, psychological disorders!
efpierce's picture
I am a very confrontational
mickron88's picture
"What would you do?"
Cognostic's picture
02/19/2013 - `oeury p];ofeqy
Sapporo's picture
I'd probably move away as

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