What is wrong with everyone (Theists), is it a lack of intelligence?

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John L's picture
What is wrong with everyone (Theists), is it a lack of intelligence?

How can a reasonable intelligent person not immediately come to the obvious conclusion that God is not a real thing. You can believe that there are invisible things that you cannot explain but to believe in something that is obviously untrue by its very nature it proves itself untrue seems to me to be very unintelligent. Studying and going to school does not make people intelligent, true intelligence , I believe is in your genetics. I'm sorry but that assessment seems true. I may love and respect people in my life who are religious, but I can't help but not see them as reasonably intelligent. It is very very unlikely my opinion will ever change.

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Sky Pilot's picture
John L,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Probably the smartest person
John L's picture
First, I am not talking about
Sky Pilot's picture
First, I am not talking about
Grinseed's picture
"Then the real truth beyond
John L's picture
Judging someones intelligence


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Sky Pilot's picture
John L,
Grinseed's picture
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