Why are the Xtians that come here always about the same age?

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mykcob4's picture
Why are the Xtians that come here always about the same age?

My guess is that they are all in the young adult youth group at their various churches.
They are all between the age of 15-26 unless they have been lying.
I don't think that they have been lying about their ages. I say that because of the smugness which reflects young adults that think that they know something but really don't.
They come here at the encouragement of the director of their group. They have pat answers for rebuttals.
Have you noticed that they say that they are going to tell us something that we don't know, that it will make us become christian? Yet they don't ever tell us this something right away. Instead, they ask a leading question hoping our answers are like the ones on their scripted pages that their youth director gave them.
So the next thing that happens is they are surprised by our responses. This causes them to do one of two things.
1) Never come back and become what we call "drive-bys"
2) The run to their youth director to find out how to respond (this takes about 3 days).

So, in essence, we are never debating with the "new member", but instead the youth director.
So next we are hit with proselytizing and cherry-picked biblical scripture and nonsense from intelligent design pseudo-science propaganda and or a flood of YouTube videos.

Now people often get mad at me because of how I deal with these kids. But have you ever stopped to really assess what is actually going on?
That is my take on it. I may be wrong, but I don't think so...It's a jungle out there!



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algebe's picture
Maybe coming here to fight

Maybe coming here to fight the evil atheists is part of their rite of passage into "adulthood."

What a load of smug-looking wankers. What's that hands-up thing they do? Is god pointing a gun at them, or are they trying to get his attention? And why are they looking up to the sky? If god is up for people in the Northern Hemisphere, there's a lot of lost Chri-babies in Australia and New Zealand, because they look for their sky daddy on the ceiling too. They can't both be right.

LogicFTW's picture
But god is everywhere!

But god is everywhere!

*whistles x files toon*

Stu. K.'s picture
MCDennis's picture
Agreed. Smug, self-righteous

Agreed. Smug, self-righteous, and of course completely wrong. In addition, their arguments and logic and rationale is weak

Endri Guri's picture
You know, they say: "God's

You know, they say: "God's young ones will carry on his teaching."

That "teaching" which basically has only 2 rules:

1. Reject anything that anybody tells you about your religion if it contradicts it;
2. Only repeat the same thing again until you win the argument.

MCDennis's picture
God's young ones... or god's

God's young ones... or god's dumb ones?

jamiebgood1's picture
If you believe in Santa, the

If you believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, and Easter bunny, God is not too hard to accept. Only problem is the others give u candy and money and God, well he's your imaginary friend that steals your life and money. In Sweden kids around 4-5 discover Santa is fake when uncle or daddy dress up. They tend to accept reality younger. Maybe that's better.

Very Mormon's picture
heh, I'm probably one of

heh, I'm probably one of those that you're talking about, but I probably won't tell my youth leader I came here, they'd get mad at me and say it's a dangerous place to be cause you might sway my faith.

charvakheresy's picture
Read your religious text and

Read your religious text and I can assure you that its far more dangerous to your belief than we will ever be.
(As long s you are grounded in reality)

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I second that.

I second that.

mykcob4's picture

If your faith is that weak then your youth minister is probably right. But I bet you are lying. I bet your youth minister told you to seek out atheist and convert them. You just chose this site. Pimply faced little shits always do that crap, you are no different.

Very Mormon's picture
nope, actually that is

nope, actually that is exactly what they say not to do. they actually don't want us in situations where we would be sworn at by 50 something year old men because we asked them not to swear. I am a 17 year old, I chose to come here of my own free will and my pimples are my own business.

mykcob4's picture
@moron, er ah, mormon.

@moron, er ah, mormon.
You say that is what you are told not to do, yet that is exactly what you did. You sought out an atheist site knowing full well that your reception could be, shall we say, rocky. Well, kid, you need to put on your big boy pants because this isn't a rah rah everything is nice forum. I swear because I can and it pisses christians off.
It's the same as christians telling people that they will pray for them. It's rude. So buck up little puppy. It's the REAL world here, not your little closed world.
You don't have free will bubba. You have a brainwashed indoctrinated will. You don't know what critical thought is, what free thinking is, what reality is.
1) because you are too young to actually know and
2) You have been brainwashed.
You say that you are 17. So how long have you been a mormon?
Here's the thing kid. You don't have free will unless you make decisions on your own, AND you are held accountable for those decisions. Unless you pay your own way. Do you know how many punks come on this forum spewing bullshit, and they have NO accountability what so ever? Quite a few and you are just another one, the latest one.
You like to talk like you know something, but you don't know anything. You can't. You haven't done anything. An American 17-year-old middle-class kid. What the hell do you REALLY know? Nothing. You don't even know the consequences of your actions. Do you pay rent, utilities, medical insurance, buy groceries? Do you know what minimum wage means to people that have to take care of their family? You might have a job, but that money is for what, videos games? I don't care if you are really saving it for college you aren't taking care of yourself or a family. So until you do, I will NEVER respect you or your opinion....EVEN IF YOU AGREE WITH ME. You haven't earned the right.
You don't know shit, so you shouldn't talk shit. You want to know what we think about mormonisn, well, it produces a bunch of punks like you that have NO credibility, that haven't done a damn thing in their lifes to come to forums like this and defend a myth that has ZERO credibility. You have no education and no experience in life. Therefore you have no credibility.

BTW I started this thread before you ever joined this forum!

jamiebgood1's picture
I am morman

I am morman
Awe to be 17 again. No thanks. It's confusing, frustrating ,often over dramatic and you think you know sooo much more than you could possibly. At 17 I was going to marry my skateboarding grocery store bag boy working boyfriend. We planned to move to Arizona so he could go to stunt man school. He was so proud of every bruise and broken bone he wanted to make a career of it. He later fell down a 70 foot cliff in Mexico because of his recklessness. Brain damage that brought him to a 2 nd grade level. It's sad but I loved this craziness that led to his demise. You don't know life til you experience some real shit.

Very Mormon's picture
I've already been through

I've already been through some stupid drama, I'm less focused on girls and dating and stuff than I used to be. I mostly just focus on school and church and stuff like that.

Very Mormon's picture
I will admit, I don't know

I will admit, I don't know much, I haven't had enough time to learn everything, but I totally have free will, I am allowed to choose what I wish, my brother left the church, I could if I wanted to, but I didn't because I believe that it is true. I have had experiences that have kept me in the church. I have been in scary situations, I have seen terrible things. I have never been homeless but I've grown up in a poor family. I have to buy my own things except for food water and shelter. I know that I don't have to do anything yet, but one day I will have to do things, and I will still be faithful to my church. I know that you will never respect me, I don't care, I didn't come here for your respect, I came here for your opinion and to make sure that my religion wasn't being slandered with false teachings (which there were quite a bit of)

I know you started this thread before I joined, I just felt like commenting that cause you were totally talking about people like me.

and by the way, just because you don't have respect doesn't mean I am going to be disrespectful to you, if I have said anything that has offended you I apologize.

jamiebgood1's picture
I am morman

I am morman
You probably won't tell your youth pastor?
It's interesting that the pastor who is helping to guide you through life wouldn't be someone you couldnt openly talk to about life questions. That tells me you know a little better than your youth pastor to consider speaking to these so called enemy's. Honestly you would be surprised to find how atheist really react to your religion. Good for you to alow your brain to consider things you haven't been told to think.

Very Mormon's picture
we don't typically call them

we don't typically call them pastors... I tell my youth leader about a lot of things, he is a really good friend to me, but this is typically something we aren't supposed to do.

xenoview's picture

This site is full of Atheist that have open minds. We think for ourselves. You seem to think for yourself right? Religion is all about controlling the masses.

Very Mormon's picture
My church isn't meant to

My church isn't meant to control people, it's meant to make it so that they can control themselves. we are taught to avoid things that would take away our free agency (the ability to choose things for ourselves) those things being, alcohol, drugs, pornography, and other addictive substances along with situations where we would be persuaded to do something we wouldn't normally do.

jamiebgood1's picture
Apparently your religion

Apparently your religion takes away your best friends free agency if she is choosing to be homosexual. As if it were a choice. :)
And if it were , I'd have made that choice a long time ago. ;)

Very Mormon's picture
actually the church doesn't

actually the church doesn't tell people they can't be homosexual, they just disapprove of the things that go along with it because it's wrong. there are members that are homosexual, they just don't do homosexual things (if that made any sense.)

Usagi's picture
@ mormon

@ mormon
Well aren't you a rebel. lol So what are your reasons for visiting atheists forums?

Very Mormon's picture
well, I wanted to see what

well, I wanted to see what people on the outside were saying about my religion, turns out they talk about stuff that isn't actually true... like saying that the bishops grope women before they can get married, that is so very very very wrong.

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