Why are you an atheist?

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David Killens's picture
David Killens's picture
The talking snake is in the
algebe's picture
It was the rituals that got
WhyAreYouDecieved's picture
If an amazing boat is built,
algebe's picture
@Landon If an amazing boat is
Sapporo's picture
Landon: If an amazing boat is
WhyAreYouDecieved's picture
Not at all. What you just
Sapporo's picture
Landon: Not at all. What you
algebe's picture
@Landon The world is the Lord
WhyAreYouDecieved's picture
Steam cell research takes
algebe's picture
@Landon: Steam cell research
WhyAreYouDecieved's picture
I know many Christian
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm still waiting to hear
David Killens's picture
David Killens's picture
@ Landon
David Killens's picture
@ Landon
WhyAreYouDecieved's picture
But the eyewitnesses of the
Sapporo's picture
Landon: But the eyewitnesses
algebe's picture
@Landon: But the eyewitnesses
WhyAreYouDecieved's picture
John 21:1 "After these things
algebe's picture
@Landon: John 21:1
WhyAreYouDecieved's picture
John the baptist is not the
algebe's picture
@Landon: John the baptist is
David Killens's picture
@ Landon
Sapporo's picture
Landon: John 21:1 "After
David Killens's picture
@ Landon
Randomhero1982's picture
And the Romans, the greatest
Randomhero1982's picture
And the Romans, the greatest
Sheldon's picture
"If an amazing boat is built,
WhyAreYouDecieved's picture
Also, angel means messenger,


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