why waste my time on careing

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lszs's picture
why waste my time on careing

my father is atheist, and that is most of my family.
but my father and family continue to ask me. " why waste my time on careing?"
soo I ask  why waste my time on careing?

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dtommy79's picture
It's interesting, it's
Zarathustra's picture
Caring? About what, other
lszs's picture
no no i am to atheist
lszs's picture
no no i am to atheist
Zarathustra's picture
Oh I see. I understand what
dtommy79's picture
I know I'm going to be bu**
SammyShazaam's picture
I agree. Religion is a
lszs's picture
thx zara it i will try to
damanar's picture
An atheist has no reason to
Samson's picture
Usualy I hear religious
lszs's picture
i do care but my dad ask my
Rob's picture
samking009's picture
He was asking a good question
lszs's picture
rider's picture
Caring about what? About your
William00's picture
The Christopher Knight Home
Satiro's picture
thanks for info
Satiro's picture
I navigated the intricate web
vadumsai's picture
Why waste my time caring
louisereed's picture
Alicante, situated on the
dryfirewood's picture
Friday Night Funkin ' is an

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