Witch hunt, Fake News My dying Ass!

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mykcob4's picture
Witch hunt, Fake News My dying Ass!

Today The Russian probe indicted 13 people SO FAR in interfering in the 2016 elections.


I don't know how many times some posters on this forum claimed that the Russian Investigation was fake news and a witch hunt. Well, today, they can't say that anymore!

This is the tip of the iceberg folks, just the beginning of the worst presidential scandal in U.S. history.

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mykcob4's picture
It's clear that Robert
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I don't know honestly. Nobody
mykcob4's picture
I'll tell you why Breezy.
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Sure, but that's the nature
mykcob4's picture
That doesn't even make sense
bigbill's picture
So tell me mr LIBERAL where
David Killens's picture
Can we agree that the
mykcob4's picture
Man, you are fucking stupid
David Killens's picture
These indictments are not the
Sheldon's picture
" You need hard evidence
Sky Pilot's picture
Americans are the most
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Are there really people in


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Alembé's picture
Dear Algebe,
LogicFTW's picture
Sadly we already know the
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“… as my mother used to tell
Sapporo's picture
Trump is probably the worst
mykcob4's picture
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arakish's picture
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Come on - you can not be that
mykcob4's picture
Come on Cognostoc YOU can't
LogicFTW's picture
mykcob4's picture
For all the Trump apologist
mykcob4's picture
So now old tangerine top
mykcob4's picture
Wow Meuller indicts yet

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