You Need a New Strategy

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Grinseed's picture
@ Cranky,

@ Cranky,
sorry mate, there's another 'dw' word: "dweeb" defined by the OED as "​a person, especially a boy or a man, who does not have good social skills and is not fashionable".

Dweeb fits the description of trolls, those persons with limited social skills that render them unable to participate in productive discussion and to make malevolent use of the anonymity of the internet to reek as much havoc as they can because they are incapable of identifying any better way to apply themselves to it.
The problem for saner folk is identifying them.
They are the dead fly hidden among the diced olives of your pizza. You can pick them out or just select another slice. The one problem remains that its still a dead fly.

Lately and particularly after revealing the Intruder as another Nigerian forum parasite (how do these people even think? what was his point?), I refrain from jumping into any OP. There are better minds on AR with more time, who can more effectively address arguments initially presented by both legit theists and bogus trolls. I now rather size up the OP before even considering to comment.
It has always been good advice to pick your fights.

boomer47's picture


"sorry mate, there's another 'dw' word: "dweeb""

Didn't know that. I suspect it's a neologism ---I'll just slip out and consult my Concise Oxford. ---Nope, not there (1979 edition) so a neologism ,still counts though.

It also describes me a bit; I have the social skills of a turnip and stopped 'dressing to impress' about 30 years ago. Loathe most fashionable popular music. Don't understand rap and don't like hip hop. Also think many 30+ year old cars are just dandy in terms of style and class. .

In terms of all kinds of fashion, I agree with Oscar Wilde ; “Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.”

In Spirit's picture
Let's see how honesty, real

Let's see how honesty, real conversations and debates work here.

Are there any atheist trolls here? I say there are.

I'll accept acknowledgements and rebuttals.

Anything else will be trolling.

Sheldon's picture
In Spirit "Let's see how

In Spirit "Let's see how honesty, real conversations and debates work here.

Are there any atheist trolls here? I say there are.

I'll accept acknowledgements and rebuttals.

Anything else will be trolling."

Again with the extra line breaks? Anyway, I think it must be reasonably obvious you don't go to an atheist forum to troll theists, that makes no sense. Do you do some atheists respond in kind when trolls like lalaland are manifestly trolling, yes of course, why not? I give people the benefit of the doubt usually, and I don't think anyone can say otherwise, but why should I keep going to the trouble of making reasoned rational arguments in response to people who have no interest in them? Nor am I inclined to let trolls like lalaland stink this place up with their nonsense. I know they'll eventually push either Cyber or Nyarlathotep too far, in the meantime since they have shown no respect whatsoever for the people here, they get a it back. All's fair...

Calilasseia's picture
Even the most egregious

Even the most egregious trolls have their uses. Here, their utility value is as pedagogical tools, through which we demonstrate the vacuity of their output.

In Spirit's picture


I agree with you that at times it is such but are you implying that all atheists here fall under the explanation you have just given?

boomer47's picture
'Even the most egregious

'Even the most egregious trolls have their uses. Here, their utility value is as pedagogical tools, through which we demonstrate the vacuity of their output"

Umm, Call, do you see anything the tiniest bit ironic in that sentence?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Flatland - I'm not saying I'm

Flatland - I'm not saying I'm trolling, I'm only trolling when they get all defensive.

Really? It seems like you are trying for force my hand. You sure you don't want to qualify that statement or something?

boomer47's picture
@Nyarlathotep ;

@Nyarlathotep ;

"Really? It seems like you are trying for force my hand. You sure you don't want to qualify that statement or something?"

I tried already, by asking is by' they' he means we on this forum.


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