ADMINS: If I wanted to publish a book here...

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arakish's picture
ADMINS: If I wanted to publish a book here...

I wish to publish a book here at the Atheist Republic in PDF format.

I do not want to charge anything for the book excepting the time to download it.

I am also willing to provide a Dropbox link for persons to download it.

I was just wondering if it would be OK to start a topic thread in the books section for any who may wish to discuss the book.

Thank you for your valuable time and efforts.


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CyberLN's picture
This might be of some help:
arakish's picture
Thanks a bunch CyberLN. Done
CyberLN's picture
Good for you!
AnitaSmith's picture
It is very interesting. I
PamelaWhite's picture
Hi all. Guys, writing a book
annajimmy's picture
Your article is extremely
gamerun0's picture
You can both enjoy top-notch
RodrigoBentancur's picture
To tell you the truth, essay
serenasola's picture
Oh that's great! If you want,


Attach Image/Video?: 

pearlkingstone's picture
Considering the best book
khelraja365's picture
Amidst the plethora of


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arielwilson's picture
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CornerMacGregor's picture
Ever thought about publishing
Stephen54654's picture
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RyanAnderes's picture
The PSE-Cortex dumps

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