I am very lonely because I am the only atheist in my area

My name is Sergey Fox and I live in Lebanon, Pa. I came to be a Christian due to depression and felt hope believing in god after I thought I "found god" at school in 2009. I got involved in charismatic groups that believed in the spiritual gifts and got heavily involved in the prophetic movement because people within my circles told me I was able to hear god's voice; so, I read the Bible, went to see healing services from pretty big names, and also prophesied over people, believing I could hear god's voice.

After awhile, I questioned the theology of the church group i was a part of, read and researched, and asked questions, and asked god to clarify the gospel message. I did get a lot of clarity, so I thought god was answering my prayers, but it turned out my clarity of the gospel message led me to atheism.

I am very lonely because I am the only atheist in my area, a bible belt city. I am very tempted to believe in god only because I feel lonely but can't convince myself that he's real.

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